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Wisdom Teeth who has them?


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I think mine are coming in behind my back tooth i think. I've made an appointment to see a dentist. I can see what looks like part of a tooth just past my last tooth.



So has anyone else ever had it cause a problem? I hear about people getting them taken out but it don't sound none to comfortable.

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i have three of mine. need to get mine pulled though. mine came in then dropped in my uhhh early twentys the came back up in mid twentys. if i remember right. i had one cause serious probs for me that lead to getting it pulled. there is no other ppain i have felt like the pain it gave me. INSANE pain.
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I think mine are coming in behind my back tooth i think. I've made an appointment to see a dentist. I can see what looks like part of a tooth just past my last tooth.



So has anyone else ever had it cause a problem? I hear about people getting them taken out but it don't sound none to comfortable.


I had mine removed when I was really young because they thought I wouldn't really have "room" in my mouth for when they came in. I was under during the whole surgery and don't remember it being too bad.


Now... in the military they would just numb you and knock them out, and I can't imagine that doing it that way would be a nice experience.


Wait for your dentist appointment and he can tell you whether they're going to give you any problems or not... although they will probably want to take them out.


Ice cream!!

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benner you should jsut have it done they may be ok now but will most likely cause you pain later. just doo it. i did the whole numb then pull out thing with mine and it wasnt that bad. although the dentist said the others will prolly have to be surgery to be taken out. they started chipping really bad now.
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benner you should jsut have it done they may be ok now but will most likely cause you pain later. just doo it. i did the whole numb then pull out thing with mine and it wasnt that bad. although the dentist said the others will prolly have to be surgery to be taken out. they started chipping really bad now.


I'm thinking I may but I gotta wait till I don't have college. I'm thinking maybe over christmas break.

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I had mine taken out two years ago. I bit the bullet and had all 4 removed, even though I was only getting infections from one of them. My mouth swelled shut for a week and I got sick from not eating. Gave me issues for a month, fuck wisdom teeth. I'm just glad thats over with.
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I had two come in before all of my adult teeth. Two others were impacted and below the gum. One of them would burst through the gum, then the gum would grow back over it and repeat. Never really bothered me until, what I assume food or whatever got caught in it as the gum grew back and caused a VERY PAINFUL INFECTION HOLY FUCKING HELL. There wasn't enough room for my wisdoms, either.


If they are growing in and pushing your teeth together, get them removed. I had my 4 removed at 3 different times. I used pain killers once and it was due to a dry socket and then I only took them for a day. The other times I didn't take any. I don't see why everyone's such a pussy about it. On top of that, my teeth freak out every dentist I've been to. Apparently, less than 5% of the population have roots as big/long as mine. I've never had a tooth pulled that didn't take a ridiculous amount of effort on the denstist behalf. :rolleyes:


If you can, have them put you under if you're worried about it. I was put under once and it was fuckin great. Woke up thinking they still had to get started. Not to mention, I was told I was being pretty damn funny before it finally knocked me out. I barely remember, but I do remember how nice it was. lol

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I had one pulled almmost 20 years ago. They only shot me up with something that was supposed to numb me but I dont give a fuck what anyone says I wasnt that numb.


I was awake the whole time and the memory of that fucking dentist standing over me trying to pull it out and the sound of breaking teeth has scared me from ever returning to a dentist. I just brush twice a day now and hope for the best.

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My two on the bottom are basically functioning teeth at this point. Pretty painful when they came in when I was 19 or so but they're just there now. I have one that's poked through just a bit on the top and the other is MIA. Haven't given me any problems since the initial pain of coming through and I don't have insurance so they get to stay...lol.
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