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"Cash for Clunkers" gas savings


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C4C was a fuckup, but it was a fuckup to support the auto industry (since we've already confirmed in this thread that C4C had nothing to do with the environment), which is something that the government was going to do regardless of who was in power (see: bush auto bailouts). Furthermore, $3 billion is a 1/1000th of the federal budget sort of fuckup, so my ire is low.


/obama supporter

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Negatory, both people who drive often and people who drive little have equal incentives to buying the cars which is saving money for themselves. Older people don't have to fill their tanks for months at a time, and everyone else feels like they can take more road trips instead of flying for vacation because it is "cheaper".


It's possible that's the case too. THE STUDY DIDN'T EXPLORE THE ASPECT OF WHY ONLY THAT IT HAPPENS (I also heard a news article on the radio about this study).

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How much CO2 was NOT released into the atmosphere because of this? Where is that calculation at?



One forest fire in Cali puts more carbon into the air than every car in america running for a year, I forget where I read that. But sounds right to me. Fuck you Smokey the bear, there needed to be forrest fires for all those years to thin out the trees, there would only be small ground fires. Stupid fucking bear.

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Cash for clunkers: $3 billion to help people and the auto industry


Iraq: $5 billion a month.


Where would you rather have your money?


Edit: Lets do more math!


If $3 billion of C4C = 700,000 cars and 1 year of Iraq = $60 Billion, then 1 year of not being in Iraq could of assisted towards 14,000,000 new cars.

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Cash for clunkers: $3 billion to help people and the auto industry


Iraq: $5 billion a month.


Where would you rather have your money?


Edit: Lets do more math!


If $3 billion of C4C = 700,000 cars and 1 year of Iraq = $60 Billion, then 1 year of not being in Iraq could of assisted towards 14,000,000 new cars.


but where would we fight our Holy War at?

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Cash for clunkers: $3 billion to help people and the auto industry


Iraq: $5 billion a month.


Where would you rather have your money?


Edit: Lets do more math!


If $3 billion of C4C = 700,000 cars and 1 year of Iraq = $60 Billion, then 1 year of not being in Iraq could of assisted towards 14,000,000 new cars.


So by comparing we can do this:


President Obama’s welfare spending will reach $888 billion in a single fiscal year--2010


So, using your numbers of 14 Million new cars (60 Billion Dollars) for 1 year, if we cut Welfare for 1 year we could buy 196 Million New Cars by simply cutting Welfare for 1 Fiscal Year. Amazing how math works in both directions. Here is some better numbers:


In 2005, there were 247.42 million registered vehicles in the US,

of which 136.57 million or 55.2% were passenger vehicles,

95.34 million or 38.5% were other 2-axle 4-tire vehicles,

6.40 million or 2.58% was single-unit 2-axle 6-tire or more trucks,

6.23 million or 2.5% were motorcycles,

0.81 million or 0.33% were buses, with various other vehicles making up the rest.


So if we cut Welfare for 1 year, we could BUY or Offer a C4C type program for every Passenger Vehicle in America.


Edit: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/54400 Link to back up my numbers I used for Welfare Spending.

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President Obama’s welfare spending will reach $888 billion in a single fiscal year--2010


I like living in a time where we can toss around numbers like $888 billion like they are nothing, but welfare dollars might as well be nothing anyways.


I was looking into more numbers and I found this, which is pretty neat.



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C4C was a fuckup, but it was a fuckup to support the auto industry (since we've already confirmed in this thread that C4C had nothing to do with the environment), which is something that the government was going to do regardless of who was in power (see: bush auto bailouts). Furthermore, $3 billion is a 1/1000th of the federal budget sort of fuckup, so my ire is low.


/obama supporter


Why are we supporting the auto industry? Why do we not let them fail? do you think that no one will buy what has been established for pennies on the dollar and build the company back up? Let's face it the only reason why we saved the "auto industry" was to save the unions because they unions are made up and run by liberals.

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LOL Crossle thinks I voted for Obama.


No, I don't think you voted for obama, I think you are a tree hugger and by worrying about CO2 over how much our government is spending you support Al Gore and Al Gore's wallet.


I will have to find the story, but we would have to drop our C02 emissions to "X" amount for 30-50 years to drop the Earths temperature 1 degree assuming that it has gone up due to emissions. Notice the word "assuming" because that is what we are doing. No scientific evidence that supports any of this other than what the media chooses to put forth and try to get you to believe.

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Cash for clunkers: $3 billion to help the UNIONS


Iraq: $5 billion a month.


Where would you rather have your money?.....not in either, but I see how Obama is making Iraq top priority, haven't heard much about that on the news lately. Believe me I support our troops 100%, just not seeing a lot about what we are doing to end it lately....plus if you are so up to date on the numbers why are you not bitching about how much was spent on the clunkers and how much media was put towards the clunkers and away from the war?




Answered and fixed

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Why are we supporting the auto industry? Why do we not let them fail? do you think that no one will buy what has been established for pennies on the dollar and build the company back up? Let's face it the only reason why we saved the "auto industry" was to save the unions because they unions are made up and run by liberals.


Why did you rape and murder a girl in 1990?


Seriously, I already said I didn't like the program, I was just responding to your implication that C4C means that we should all regret Obama. Bush stuck up for the auto companies and was behind the first bailout, McCain would have done the same thing, we should all just come to terms with the fact that under no feasible representative democracy will a country like America let the auto industry fail, as much as we all might want it.


edit: It's because the UNIONS vote. If the Democrats stopped being union friendly, I have no doubt that the Republicans would stand up and decide the being pro-Union meant being pro-America.

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No, I don't think you voted for obama, I think you are a tree hugger and by worrying about CO2 over how much our government is spending you support Al Gore and Al Gore's wallet.


Wrong again.


Al Gore is an idiot and I will not support him and his ways. But if you want to go ahead and think that spending money to reduce polluting the environment is wrong that is your prerogative. Last time I checked polluting is not a positive thing.


Oh sure you can say " well doing X is only going to reduce damage to the environment by y and that isn't worth the time and money." I wish everyone felt that way. I am tired of being clean and neat. I am no longer pooping in a toilet and having the city clean and dispose of my waste. Also my trash will be thrown all over the city. Why should it matter I am only 1 person I don't have that much affect on the environment?


/sarcasm you fucks

Pooping outside on the sidewalk while dumping my used motor oil in the grass and burning my old wore out tires then dumping my unused household chemicals down the drain for the win. For my next show I will be dumping antifreeze in dog, cat, and bird feeders.

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Wrong again.


Al Gore is an idiot and I will not support him and his ways. But if you want to go ahead and think that spending money to reduce polluting the environment is wrong that is your prerogative. Last time I checked polluting is not a positive thing.




But we are spending ridiculous amounts of money for the idea of global warming, why should I have to pay for other people to buy new cars????? It was not a government incentive it was a tax payers incentive bud. I'm tired of paying for all of these people to do these things. When is my bailout coming?


I'm ranting because I can, and because it adds some new perspectives for some people to think about that have not been clearly identified in these threads, I may not be 110% accurate, but no one else is really disagreeing with what I am saying, or they are trying to direct the conversation away from the topic.

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But we are spending ridiculous amounts of money for the idea of global warming, why should I have to pay for other people to buy new cars????? It was not a government incentive it was a tax payers incentive bud. I'm tired of paying for all of these people to do these things. When is my bailout coming?


I'm ranting because I can, and because it adds some new perspectives for some people to think about that have not been clearly identified in these threads, I may not be 110% accurate, but no one else is really disagreeing with what I am saying, or they are trying to direct the conversation away from the topic.


Lets not pay local and federal taxes either. They apparently are not worth it. Lets just like do shit ourselves and junk. I LOVE ANARCHY. :eek:

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Nobody is seeing the glaring problem staring them in the face.


How much do you think this increased consumer debt?

Let's say half of the people financed $7500


$1.2 Billion in new consumer debt

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Lets not pay local and federal taxes either. They apparently are not worth it. Lets just like do shit ourselves and junk. I LOVE ANARCHY. :eek:


I'm not saying we should not pay taxes jeez where do you get that from? We need to spend tax money wisely not on other peoples new rides. How about the shit hole roads? How about our national debt? How about putting some money back in our pockets if you have nothing good to spend money on instead of creating an incentive that will most likely be taxed. Wait until those people get their 1099 form....or whichever form that will appear on (fairly new to doing taxes still here)

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I'm not saying we should not pay taxes jeez where do you get that from? We need to spend tax money wisely not on other peoples new rides. How about the shit hole roads? How about our national debt? How about putting some money back in our pockets if you have nothing good to spend money on instead of creating an incentive that will most likely be taxed. Wait until those people get their 1099 form....or whichever form that will appear on (fairly new to doing taxes still here)


The voucher for the program is not considered taxable income. There will be no federal tax on it. Now state and city tax is still up in the air. If you find out let me know I am curious.

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