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People Who Drive In The Rain With No Lights On


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Hey Taint Face, just because your car has automatic headlights doesn't mean they work when it rains. I can't see you on 270 in the driving rain when you're texting, putting your makeup on, reading the paper, and driving 60 MPH with no lights on. Get a fucking clue, you're a road hazard. That is all... :mad:
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Guest tbutera2112

my truck has automatic lights and they come on when it rains since its usually cloudy


i blame it on people being douchebags, not on them being oblivious to how their car functions...they figure they can see fine, so fuck everybody else

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Guest tbutera2112
  SilverxxxMike said:
Didja know its a new law to have your headlights on when its raining in Ohio?


also heard its a law to move over for tow trucks on the freeway now, like youre supposed to with police officers


dont ever see that happen either

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Guest tbutera2112
  Skinner said:
no its not its the law to have your headlights on if you wipers are on.


i thought it was the law to have headlights and wipers on during the rain...because all the rain-x people were bitching about it being a dumb law

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  SicShelby said:
What I thought was pretty cool when I had my Audi was the "rear" fog lights. Before I knew what they were... I always thought they were retards who drove around with their foot on the brake pedal, lol.


Yeah, it's not just Audi..


BMW, Volvo, Merc, and others. I usualy put those on in torrential rain of retard dense fog/snow to avoid being rear-ended buy someone traveling way too fast for the conditions.

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It's even worse if you drive a semi. People coming up alongside you in the rain are already cloaked by the massive cloud of spray thrown off the the tractor tires. So it's very easy for a grey, silver, or blue car without lights on to completely disappear from view while being right beside the trailer. I can't tell you the number of times I've changed lanes in the rain while driving a truck, and only to hear some shitdick start blaring their horn from the middle of that bow-wave.

My Buick DOES have automatic headlights, AND DRLs, and you can tell when the autos come on because the dash dims. They come on if I drive into the shadow of a building on a bright day.


Next on the list: Idiots that think their DRLs ARE auto headlights...can I tell you how many times I've come up behind someone with no tails, only to find their DRLs are on?

Subarus seem to be the worst offenders...

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