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Cellphone regression


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Anyone else think its weird that in 1993 I bought my first cell phone(phone looked like modern day cellphone) for $100. I signed no contract and my service was unlimited, nationwide, and was only $44 per month. Now this was back when you couldnt find anyone with a cellphone that wasnt either a bag phone, or one of the goofy house lookin phones. I certainly didnt know anyone with a cell phone nor knew anyone who knew someone with a cell phone. Here we are a decade and 1/2 later, and now I need to sign a lengthy contract get less coverage for more money and almost pay 4 x's the money for certain phones. Talk about regression.
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I dont remember the phone itself. It certainly wasnt a flip phone, although I wanted that one so freaking bad. It was over $500 clams at the time. I do know it was made by Nokia or ericsson(sp). I dont use data, analog was just fine. Battery life lasted far longer than any cell phone I had in years. And it never once dropped a call. It was no bigger than the cell phones you can still buy at some places today. It was long, but no more than 5-6".
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My first cell phone was via Cellular one (Airtouch, Verizon, etc, etc). It was $30/month for 30 minutes, no long distance, roaming charges applied if you left the one block radius of your home coverage, and the coverage was miniscule compared to today.


It wasn't until 1995 that Alltel released a plan for unlimited cell use for the ungodly price of $100/month.


Where did you get a $44 unlimited plan in 93?

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My first cell phone was via Cellular one (Airtouch, Verizon, etc, etc). It was $30/month for 30 minutes, no long distance, roaming charges applied if you left the one block radius of your home coverage, and the coverage was miniscule compared to today.


It wasn't until 1995 that Alltel released a plan for unlimited cell use for the ungodly price of $100/month.


Where did you get a $44 unlimited plan in 93?


I had a simliar plan in 1993. Got the bag phone as part of a deal Pontiac worked out with the provider.....I can't remember who made the phone, but it was a bag phone. Huge sucker. Battery was in the bag and the phone latched on the outside of it.


Was like $30 per month for 30 minutes. More of a safety phone than a real usable plan.

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Back then the plans were no where near compared to the plans today. I remember one that was $5 a month and only gave 5 minutes. The coverage areas were big because you could use every cell phone company there was if you were on a national plan... A national plan that was $50 for 25 minutes. The analog signal did reach more area, but they called the phones brick and bag phones for a reason. If I was carrying around something the size of a mini satellite I would hope it would get reception everywhere :lol: When the companies stared going digital is when the unlimited word came to play. Its been about a 10 year cycle but its back. The next steps will be to get rid of contracts and pay for it in a way thats similar to home phone service.


I have a BlackBerry Storm, talk about regression....


You should probably buy a new phone with a different company. From your last 1000000 posts I have a feeling you are unhappy with your phone.

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