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My Raptor wreck...quadding 10/5/09


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Myself, Jason (wnplay), Larry (ruinms) and Larry's buddy Ryan went quadding today at Waye, at the New Straitsville trail head. Me on my 04 660R LE, Jason on his Polaris Trailblazer 400, Larry on his Raptor 700R, and Ryan on his Polaris something or other modded sport quad.


No biggie getting there. Things started off shitty; within 20 seconds (yes, seconds) of being on the trail, Larry took a bad landing and his tire popped off the bead, knocking him off the quad. I was in the lead and missed it. We nursed it back to the trucks, and luckliy in the process the rear tire re-set itself on the wheel, and I was able to get my POS 12v compressor to fill it up enough. Sweet.


10 minutes later, me in the lead, I am hauling some ass down a trail; I see it turns, slam on the brakes...and slide. :( Soft dirt + bald ass front tires = no stop/no turn. I hit my left front square on the tree. Quad turns sideways and throws me over the bars; I land on my tail bone and the quad goes on its side. Comfortable. Other than my ass fucking hurts and I bit my tounge, I am no worse for wear, and the Raptor is fine.


Another 5-10 minutes, and Jason's Trailblazer is spewing coolant, and Larry's headlight falls off (seriously, all of the quads today were nice quads...no POS anything). We ride some more, and Jason's quad keeps overheating, so we nurse it back to the truck, and grill some burgers/brawts/steaks. Looks like his fan temp sensor is hosed, so he bypassed it, fan works, good to go.


Run for quite a while, get 13 miles from the trail head (I have a Trailtech Vapor on my Raptor, correctly calibrated, so I know our speed/distance). I am doing low 20MPH range; and somehow snag my right front on a large tree root that is sticking out. It slams the bars to turn left, then next thing I know I smack a tree. A good jolt, and I hit my head on the tree a bit (this is why you should always wear a helmet like I did). The pics should show it all. BTW, I nursed this damn thing 13 miles back to the trail head, for a total of 35.6 miles ridden today.




The other wheel is pointing straight:



It doesn't look bad, but the whole lower arm is tweaked. Wheel bearing has a bunch of play now too.



The wheel it turned straight, and this is how the bars are turned:








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There's that Formula again. It needs to come play, fuck the quad.


I will work on it this winter...likely during Christmas time since I will be here and my wife will be in Newfoundland. :( In the mean time, getting the Reynoldsburg house sold is a bigger priority than the damn car.

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Lol, yea been there sucks. as cordell said you have your good days an your bad days


time to upgrade to some lsr +2 a-arms :bangbang:


but glad you were able to nurse it back must of been a pain in the ass riding it back. did you guys hop on the service roads at all or just the trails the whole way back?


also sucks about larrys quad did that as well the 2nd time my banshee was out at wayne got on the trail took a berm an jumped an landed oin the side an tore a 6 inch hole in my tire not fun at all lol

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I know Wayne says you can't have anything over 50" wide on the trails, but I've been thinking about getting a Rhino for awhile now and I believe they're 54". Do you guys ever see any of them on the trails down there? Would the rangers give me any shit about it?
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I would think it would be tough finding a trail wide enough to get it all the way through. My tires on the quad rub trees going between some of them.


Oh and we come around a corner and there was like 7-8 asian guys walking throught the middle of the woods. WTF was that?

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I know Wayne says you can't have anything over 50" wide on the trails, but I've been thinking about getting a Rhino for awhile now and I believe they're 54". Do you guys ever see any of them on the trails down there? Would the rangers give me any shit about it?


they gave two guys shit in the season of 2007 but i did keep seeing them out but they were out there manicuring the trails. i would check with the ranger station there before you drop 6-12k if your really interested in a rhino pm flat tire he runs a powersports store an can hook you up with an awesome deal!

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I would think it would be tough finding a trail wide enough to get it all the way through. My tires on the quad rub trees going between some of them.


Oh and we come around a corner and there was like 7-8 asian guys walking throught the middle of the woods. WTF was that?


wayne is a ohv area as it is a natrual walk area. some of the trails do cross

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These guys were all carrying bags and in orange gear.


wayne in 206 shut down an area of land so they could get it back to "natures" standards. they miight be looking aroudn to shut a postion of the area down to build it back up mabey?

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Ok explain the all asian thing?


ummm asian people are smart an good at math? lol they can survey the land an do there calculations in there head as they go haha



oh i ment to ask sounds liek you had a ruff ride gettin tossed an slaming into a tree. you good nothign broke just soar?

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