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Attention Non JB iPhone peeps.


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is there a jailbreak update that allows picture txting yet? or we still waiting on one


There is a carrier update that will enable this on jailbroken iphones.


I don't know if the download link still works, I am at work so I can't check it. If it isn't valid anymore you should be able to find the carrier update file at macrumors.com







2. Close iTunes (if it is already open)


3a. Click Start > Run > type:cmd then press enter. Run this command: "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1


3b. (If you're on x64 Windows) Click Start > Run > type:cmd then press enter. Run this command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1


4. Open iTunes.


5. Hold the shift key while clicking update under your iPhone in iTunes.


6. Change the file type to “iPhone Carrier Configuration files” by clicking in the the bottom right corner and switching to *.ipcc. filetype


7. Find the file of the carrier update you just saved to your computer in step 1, select it and click open.


8. Your iPhone is now updated. Make sure to reset your phone, and when it restarts, MMS should be working.

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I don't understand, I'm not JB and I can MMS.


Problem is people had 3.0 or 3.01 before MMS was introduced (jailbroke people). Well, Apple made it so in order to get the carrier update, to enable MMS, you must update to 3.1 via iTunes and then it tells you there is carrier update. This is all good for non JBr's. Those that are jailbroke, you need to manually install the carrier file that enables MMS, the camera icon, etc. It's quick and very simple.

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FYI 3.1.2 jailbreak is out for windows its called blackra1n from geohot


the site



the macrumors thread



the tutorial


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FYI 3.1.2 jailbreak is out for windows its called blackra1n from geohot


the site



the macrumors thread



the tutorial




Oh, says ALL devices. This will work with my out of the box 3.1 3GS?

Edit, sounds like it does, DLing now. Hey Justin, how do I install all those Apps I've been DLing?

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Oh, says ALL devices. This will work with my out of the box 3.1 3GS?


:D It should. It worked for my OTB 3GS 3.1 device. I followed the directions in the link at the bottom. It does force you to upgrade to 3.2 through Itunes first and then follow the steps. There is a error message popup that appeared during the jailbreak process in Itunes for me. I ignored it and let it do it's thing and my phone is jailbroke now.




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Now Mr JB, what exactly do i do with this?



This process or jailbreak period? I did not use this process and i'm not familiar with it. I am going to play with it on my wife's phone tonight I think. Ask Pedro, he's actually used this and it's working.

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