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I know there are some of you on here, so I thought I'd share this.


Here are a couple of apps taken from the upcoming Sprint Hero. The best one being the Navigator.


*Sprint_App_Updater.apk <---dont really need that (I wouldnt install that)

*Sprint_Core.apk <--dont really need that (Sprint's Visual Voicemail)

*Sprint_Navigator.apk <--awesome voice turn-by-turn directions

*Sprint_TV.apk <-- watch live tv (works for some, not for others)

*Sprint_TVWidget.apk <-- widget for live tv (required to have tv work)

*Sprint_NFL.apk <--NFL app



Download Here



Make sure you check the box in your phone settings that says to allow installation of non-market apps. You dont have to be rooted for this to work. This will work on any android device, so if your on T-Mobile this will work for you (obviously since they are the only carrier of android right now in the US)


How to:

-Once you downloaded the zip file, drag the .apk files you want onto your SD card.

-Using an app like root explorer (if your rooted) or ASTRO file manager, copy/paste the .apk files from your sdcard into the app folder (its under data).

- If your arent rooted, and you cant get into the app folder, just click on the .apk file and it will ask you if you want to install the app.

- To get the TV to work, place the widget on your desktop and then click on it. It may take some time for it to start working.

- Done


Look in your app drawer and you should see the apps in there right away. If it doesnt work right away, try rebooting the phone.

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:wtf: yeaaa im going to have to meet up with you one day an trick out my phone cause ide love to live tv but what u just said up there is a bunch of gibberish... haha


Haha, yeah we can do that. This is easy though, just download astro file manager in the market, plug your phone into your computer, drag the files onto your sdcard, unplug your phone, open astro and install the files.


installed successfully, but the stations arent playing. going to try rebooting it


Yeah I tried yesterday to get the stations to load but it wouldn't. The widget would load info but that's about it.I gave up, but other people have had luck with it.

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Haha, yeah we can do that. This is easy though, just download astro file manager in the market, plug your phone into your computer, drag the files onto your sdcard, unplug your phone, open astro and install the files.




Yeah I tried yesterday to get the stations to load but it wouldn't. The widget would load info but that's about it.I gave up, but other people have had luck with it.


where did you get this info from? maybe theres a fix or something.

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where did you get this info from? maybe theres a fix or something.




Theres no fix, just people saying that they rubbed their belly while they were moving the apps and theirs work.


Like someone turned off 3g and it started working for them, and someone else added the TV widget, restarted and then clicked on it and it worked, while others just simply move it over and clicked on it and it worked, or they waited a while and channels slowly started to show up.


Did you get Navigator to work?

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that app just started working. its super slow but neat. is your phone slow chris? im running the latest normal update and its slow just browsing through the menus and stuff.


The TV app is working? Or navigation? TV isnt working for me.


Mine is actually running pretty good. Since the Hero rom wasnt made for the G1, it has its moments where it will be slow, but 95% of the time its fast. People are constantly making changes to it to improve performance. The only flaw with running the HTC Hero (european) rom on a G1 is that people cant get bluetooth to work yet, but that should change once the American Hero is released. Soon HTC will also be releasing Hero 1.6 and eventually 2.0. One of the nice things about it though is that it has Flash on it.


Since you are still running stock android v1.6 yours shouldnt be slow, but if you are rooted, you will be able to run custom versions of 1.6 (Most notably http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=567610) where people are also constantly making improvements to it. Before I had Hero, I ran a custom version of 1.6 and it was blazing fast. Android 2.0 will be released shortly too.


Motorola also has its own modified version of android known as Motoblur (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=568318) and T-Mobile has theirs known as Pulse (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=568318).






Hero on G1 in action, this is what I'm running:









As you can see there is no shortage on options for what version of android you want, and which look/feel/layout you prefer.

Edited by kickass
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the most recent update ( like a week ago) fucked up my phone bad


its now slower. i get more force close an the dam youtube app will just free a tv show an wont come back on even if i reload it. sucks ass but other then that phone rocks


That sucks. I didnt know its only been out for like a week. I ran 1.6 about a month ago, which is the other advantage of being rooted. You get to run roms way before they are released.

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Apps from 2.0 (eclair) for 1.6 (donut)




Google Maps, YouTube, Navigator, Quick Office and Personal Portal / Phone Settings will only work on 1.6


Navigator, Quick Office and Personal Portal / Phone Settings will work on Hero and 1.5 (cupcake)

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All I want fixed on my MyTouch is the problem where I will click a name from my recent calls list, and it selects a random name and calls them.


I had that problem when I was running stock android too, it takes a second for it to refresh it seems.

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I had that problem when I was running stock android too, it takes a second for it to refresh it seems.


I set it to ask me if I want to make the call with Google Voice or my regular cell, so I don't make random calls anymore.

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