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you still fail ... :lol: round two of broken phones readdyyyyy GO!!!!



wayyyy to break some ones phone :bangbang:


Hey i didnt touch it.


You're going to be mad jealous when me, jeff and shaun are rolling around with kickass phones, and you got a plain jane G1 over there...so lame.

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Just wait.....we can meet up, you buy my shit today and then we can head over to Chris and have him make our phones super kool!




Just so you guys know, I've only rooted a phone once and it just happened to be successful. But I have flashed countless roms, radios and SPL's...so in the case of someone going wrong, which I am sure wont, please dont hold me responsible.

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Hey i didnt touch it.


You're going to be mad jealous when me, jeff and shaun are rolling around with kickass phones, and you got a plain jane G1 over there...so lame.

haahaha mmhmm i still dont see whats soo good about it though? mabey ide have to see it


im tempted to try again:eek:
lol u failll


Chris doesn't work, he just goes to work to sit because he gets bored of sitting at home.
yea he just sits online an swings off of the audi nutsac ;)






Just so you guys know, I've only rooted a phone once and it just happened to be successful. But I have flashed countless roms, radios and SPL's...so in the case of someone going wrong, which I am sure wont, please dont hold me responsible.


don don don!! hes out to break your shit.. j.k haha nice of you to help them

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haahaha mmhmm i still dont see whats soo good about it though? mabey ide have to see it


lol u failll


yea he just sits online an swings off of the audi nutsac ;)






don don don!! hes out to break your shit.. j.k haha nice of you to help them


go to youtube and look up hero on g1. seems legit.

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I'm using my G1 with a Hero rom installed... I thought the hardware was the same between the hero and g1 processor wise and what not just a bit different screen?


I personally can not use a phone without a keyboard on it if i'm going to have a PDA phone. I don't do the onscreen typing thing too well since I have stupidly large fingers.


I want to see eclair out on the forums already optimized but it will be a bit before that happens I guess..


And wtf did you do run over the phone???

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Ill post up a screeny if you really need me to, but it runs fast as hell for me and I like the hero rom SOOO much better than the stock rom the g1 from tmobile uses.


I want to see how that motorola phone does though as the screens effin huge and wouldn't it be neat to have a N card installed on the phone? Alright, my geek is showing now :p

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My G1 stopped working Friday night, the display and everything lit up fine, but it would not respond when you touched it. I had to use the little ball thing to navigate through menus, and it would give me an error message when I tried to access my Dialer or Contacts. When someone called me, the screen would get fuzzy and freeze, and I couldn't answer or call anyone.


They are sending me a new one for free though, I still had a warranty until November 7th, thank god!

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Ok, getting away from this walk through talk here for a second.




Currently, I'm on a family plan with the wife and her mom and dad. I believe we have the Select plan for $99, plus the two additional lines.


Droid requires a "voice plan with email", or "email plan". So it looks like we'll need to upgrade to the Connect plan, with the two additional lines, which includes Mobile Email to qualify to use the Droid with unlimited Data as well.


Does that sound correct?


I know I should go to the Verizon store to ask, but I'm researching these at work (night shift) and can't do that at the moment.



Also, is it possible to have two plans under one family plan? I mean can her parents stick with the Select plan, and we upgrade our two lines to the Connect plan? They don't want a phone with all the gizmo's and gadgets and will never take advantage of the extras that are being charged for.

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Well I know that Tmobile doesn't REQUIRE you to have the data plan but they say that the phone requires it to use it.


They may try to say "but you HAVE to have the plan!" You don't unless they physically require you to by a contract or something. The phone can use a wifi signal to work just as well.

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