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That's exactly my problem. I hear conflicting stories. Either I HAVE to have it, no way around it. Or I don't really HAVE to have it, but they try to strong arm you into it.


I don't see how a phone can't operate without the package. It should still do it's phone things, just not have the on-the-go capabilities like GPS and what not. And while within wireless range I can still do what I want like you said.

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Then I would use that argument with them as I didn't have to sign up for a contract for our internet package. We have two g1's, I have the data package and the woman doesn't but I'm the one who's on the go more often than not so it made sense. When I called and asked it took a while but the rep did finally concede and tell me that no, the phone does NOT need to have the data plan to operate.


Imagine if you just suddenly lost the ability to have your data ability out in the middle of nowhere but could dial and text. That's basically what you get.

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Not exactly sure how they will be with the droid, but I've heard that Verizon can be assholes when it comes to smart phone plans.


Veritas, whose Hero Rom are you running? I've got MLIGN's last build and its really fast. I saw a couple of videos online, 1 of a G1 running 2.0 ported from the emulator, and then an unboxing of the Droid. Android 2.0 looks cool, I cant wait for HTC to release Hero running on 2.0.


The Hero and the G1 dont have the same hardware. Its close but the Hero has a bit more memory and faster processor, which is why it requires you to partition your SD card and most Hero roms overclock the G1 processor.

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Not exactly sure how they will be with the droid, but I've heard that Verizon can be assholes when it comes to smart phone plans.


Veritas, whose Hero Rom are you running? I've got MLIGN's last build and its really fast. I saw a couple of videos online, 1 of a G1 running 2.0 ported from the emulator, and then an unboxing of the Droid. Android 2.0 looks cool, I cant wait for HTC to release Hero running on 2.0.


The Hero and the G1 dont have the same hardware. Its close but the Hero has a bit more memory and faster processor, which is why it requires you to partition your SD card and most Hero roms overclock the G1 processor.


Maybe I'm thinking of another one of the earlier android phones... boo.


I'm running an older version of the MLIGN build and have been meaning to reformat and pick up the latest one but I've been super lazy lately. What phone are you using? I'd like to see the speed difference between what I've got and the droid to be honest. Like I said, i'm a fan of a keyboard with a pda phone so motorola doing that up is +1 in my book.


Something else i've come to realize is that the iPhone really is going to get pushed to the wayside with the Android OS being as dominant as it is now. It had a small following at first, though slowly but surely people are making the switch and finding out theres no reason why anyone should use such an overtly restrictive OS like the one that the iPhones tout.


Should prove to be an interesting competition to see play out.

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Cell phone companies make people have data plans because people that didnt have them were constantly asking for credits. The "I didnt know it would make my bill $2000" argument turned into you dont have a choice. The phones have too many features that require hooking up to the internet and the average Joe has no clue how to stop it from automatically connecting. I've always wondered why people buy data phones with no intent on using it for data... I guess its so they look cool or something.
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I've always wondered why people buy data phones with no intent on using it for data... I guess its so they look cool or something.


Duh, I also recently picked up smoking, so I'll be double coolio.




Honestly, I hate small screens while on the internet, so using it as a on-the-go internet machine isn't appealing. I honestly don't want the data package because I don't think I'd use it enough to take advantage of the cost. The only option I'd really be interested in is GPS*. If I'm at work, I have a computer to be online. If I'm at home, same deal. If I'm out somewhere, the last thing I want to do is be online. Internet still accessible though if needed through any wifi spot and the data package is not required for that. I however, do like the apps on the phones to keep me busy while at work during slow times when I've tired of the internet, again data package not required to dl apps.


The smart phones have more going for them then just what they can offer with the data packages.





*Why spend money on the data package for something like GPS, which will cost me money monthly when I can just buy a GPS unit once and be done with it?

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To me its an oversized phone thats potential is limited to your location. Having to be in a wifi area or tether it to get/send things would annoy me. The app phone I will say is a different story. I dont think I have done anything other that download apps since I got it. I dont consider it a data device.. its more like a fun device :D
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Maybe I'm thinking of another one of the earlier android phones... boo.


I'm running an older version of the MLIGN build and have been meaning to reformat and pick up the latest one but I've been super lazy lately. What phone are you using? I'd like to see the speed difference between what I've got and the droid to be honest. Like I said, i'm a fan of a keyboard with a pda phone so motorola doing that up is +1 in my book.


I have a G1 (had it since day 1), and I also wont be able to get another phone which does not have a hardware QWERTY keyboard. I've had pretty much every MLIGN ROM on my phone, and the last one is by far the fastest, so it will be worth taking the time to flash it.



One thing to keep in mind with Android and not having a data plan is that it automatically sync's your contacts and backs them up on google's servers, as well as your app download history, and if you have a hero it also syncs your contacts with facebook giving you their bday info, pictures, comments etc. Of course those things can be disabled, but its one of the reason why I like android so much. Using GPS also requires data, quite a lot too because it has to download the maps.

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Thanks again chris for helpin me install Hero. The first time around i was trying to use mixed directions and ended up failing. Now i just have to figure this thing out and get it running the way i want it. Paul, ill let you know what i think of it and let you know if you should do it or not.
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Hero or regular?


It will be a while before a usable version of either will be available to flash for the G1. Sounds like you're not to happy with Hero on yours. Running slow?


the loading times drive me crazy. going from the homescreen to people takes more than a few seconds. messaging is also slow. i onl yhave 1 app installed... app killer. im running version 2.5.7. u?

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the loading times drive me crazy. going from the homescreen to people takes more than a few seconds. messaging is also slow. i onl yhave 1 app installed... app killer. im running version 2.5.7. u?


Hmmm...I've had those problems on older version but not on 2.5.7. Maybe once or twice a week it will do the loading screen, or the HTC screen. My messaging is fine, but i also use Handcent SMS, and not the stock app. A lot of the times a full wipe and re-flash will help. I'm also only running 3 widgets, weather, wifi and calender. The more widgets you run the more likely you are to get the loading screen.

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yeah. also, is there a way to get the light to blink when i received a text? i noticed it only does it when i get an email


At first the LED's didnt work at all when you flashed hero (the hero has 2 LED's), but they fixed it so I dont know why its not working for you. When you install Handcent SMS, disable notifications on the stock app, and enable auto-retrieve on Handcent, you can also change the appearance to Dark and Hero so that it will match your phone. Go through all the settings, and once you have it set up you can do a test notifications to see if everything works. I get a blue LED when I get text's and green when I get emails. You can also change the color of the LED when you run the app on regular android, but doesnt work on G1 with Hero.

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At first the LED's didnt work at all when you flashed hero (the hero has 2 LED's), but they fixed it so I dont know why its not working for you. When you install Handcent SMS, disable notifications on the stock app, and enable auto-retrieve on Handcent, you can also change the appearance to Dark and Hero so that it will match your phone. Go through all the settings, and once you have it set up you can do a test notifications to see if everything works. I get a blue LED when I get text's and green when I get emails. You can also change the color of the LED when you run the app on regular android, but doesnt work on G1 with Hero.


ive got an option for trackball notifications but not LEDs. oh well, its not a big deal.

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