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electric bill sky rockets ???????? NEED HELP FAST


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recieved my electric bill and it was 3x what it normals is. The bill for last month was for a over 4000kwh, we normally use 1500kwh a month.


So I called AEP and they told me to go out to the meter and read them the numbers on it! As I am walking out to the meter she tells me that the reading she had was from 5 days ago. So I read it off to her and IT HAS WENT UP 6000KWH IN THE LAST FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy shit my electric bill for next month is going to be over $2000.


She told me to do a breaker check. asked her what that was going to show me. she said that if one of your appliances were going bad it might have to work harder and use more electric. So I did the breaker and the only thing I could see was it spun a little faster when the dryer was on! The Dryer is only 6 months old.


She also recommended me have and electrician come out! What or how could he check the problem! Do they have some thing to check each appliance?


Any Suggustions?

Has any body ever heard of anybodies electric doing this?

Is anybody on here and electrician?

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She told me to do a breaker check. asked her what that was going to show me. she said that if one of your appliances were going bad it might have to work harder and use more electric. So I did the breaker and the only thing I could see was it spun a little faster when the dryer was on! The Dryer is only 6 months old.


She also recommended me have and electrician come out! What or how could he check the problem! Do they have some thing to check each appliance?


Any Suggustions?

Has any body ever heard of anybodies electric doing this?

Is anybody on here and electrician?


I Think the breaker check thing sounds like complete bullshit.


I would hire a certified electrician. So you can make sure these people are not full of shit. If everything checks out then it is a problem on there end.

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If it went up 6000KWH in 5 days, thats 50KW/hr. By any chance do you have 25 hair dryers plugged in running non stop?


I would tell them to come and fix your fucking meter.


nothing we are doing as a family has changed. I told them the meter was propbably messed up and right away they said nope, it was something in my house!

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I would almost guarentee its the meter. I would get them back on the phone and demand they come out and replace the meter. That bitch sitting on the other end of the phone has no idea if the meter is bad or not. Tell them that if they dont you will pull it yourself.
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Aye yo all jokes aside. Be careful with AEP, my grandma's bill did the same thing. Went from like 85 a month to a bill that was 600$ in a total of like 35 days or so. So she told them soemthing was wrong, they came out and replaced the meter and charged her another 600 dollars for the repair or whatever. In the end, she ended up oweing 1200 something dollars having to pay atleast 900 or it was to be shut off... Fuck AEP
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I was thinking of posting exactly this!






No way! Me too! :D


that sucks mang. There has to be a problem. They only reason mine has jumped in the past is they were unable to read it (mine for some odd reason is in the basement) so they estimated how much i used. After it went up a few hundred I called and had them come out to read it. they adjusted the next months bills. Good luck!

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They only reason mine has jumped in the past is they were unable to read it (mine for some odd reason is in the basement) so they estimated how much i used. After it went up a few hundred I called and had them come out to read it. they adjusted the next months bills. Good luck!


You must have a very old meter. Most meters these days they don't have to actually read, they transmit a radio frequincy that will tell how much usage. Normally a van just has to drive up and down the road to gather the info.


They are working in Central Ohio to increase the transmission power so they don't have to even drive down the roads, they can pick it up from there office.


But I agree, something has to be wrong with your meter.

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shut your breaker off (ie shut everything down in the house) see if the meter still moves.

did that-everything stops-it was part of the breaker test that the broad had me do.

No way! Me too! :D


that sucks mang. There has to be a problem. They only reason mine has jumped in the past is they were unable to read it (mine for some odd reason is in the basement) so they estimated how much i used. After it went up a few hundred I called and had them come out to read it. they adjusted the next months bills. Good luck!

mine was and actual reading not an estimate-it states it on your bill.

You must have a very old meter. Most meters these days they don't have to actually read, they transmit a radio frequincy that will tell how much usage. Normally a van just has to drive up and down the road to gather the info.


They are working in Central Ohio to increase the transmission power so they don't have to even drive down the roads, they can pick it up from there office.


But I agree, something has to be wrong with your meter.


I asked them a while back how they could get and actual reading if it was on my screen porch. They said something along the lines of radio frequincy or laser or something!

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Same thing happened to me last month, just spiked to 3x the normal bill, then this month went back to normal.

Something's gotta be using it. Try turning all your shit off and seeing if its still spinning, oh and check for any extension cords going from your outside plugs to the neighbors house

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