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electric bill sky rockets ???????? NEED HELP FAST


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jj i am sorry to hear this. luckily im not at the stage of paying for any electric bills...yet. one thing ive noticed repeated several times in this thread is mentioning of pot. LOL why?


grow light suck up the kill-a-watts... for the killa-plants..lmao




my buddie had this issue..after they chaged his meter..come to find out, the meter they installed was turned up :confused: and the little dial thing would spin 3 times faster then normal...a guy came out and turned it down...i need to find that guy and turn the ones down at the shop...

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This same shit happen to me when my house burned down, them fuckers said in the 7 days before the house burned down I used 4,000 kw Either way after a few phone calls and them looking at my old bills, the ended up taking my totals from the prior year and then just rounding them together .
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This same shit happen to me when my house burned down, them fuckers said in the 7 days before the house burned down I used 4,000 kw Either way after a few phone calls and them looking at my old bills, the ended up taking my totals from the prior year and then just rounding them together .


I was thinking that maybe something is shorting out!

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So you shut off each breaker one by one and couldn't figure out what the draw was? I would think if it's a real reading and the meters not fucked, it would be easy to figure out what was sucking up all that power.


It looks to be the Dryer after the breaker test (new only 6 months old) an appliance tech is coming out on thursday to look at it.

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Yeah, there is nothing wrong. Of course not. And they wanna raise our rates!!!!! Fuck thos motherfuckers. Just another money grubbing corporation trying to drain every penny they can from their customers. What ever happened to customer service? It used to be that you could call a company and as a customer you recieved a certain level of respect because they wanted you to be happy so you would come back and spend more money. Now a days you either have a bunch of retards working for 10.00 an hour that hate thier jobs and dont care how you feel as a customer. And a bunch of overpaid asshole executives sitting in a penthouse sized office setting policies that "sound like a good idea" but dont work for shit.
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I was thinking that maybe something is shorting out!



If something is shorting out your meter wont turn. Had this happen at the shop. Melted a lug inside the meter, and the shop continued the circuit through the air compressor. Pretty neat to walk in a only have half the shop light up, then when i fired the compressor up the other half lit up.



Edit: Sounds like you got it JJ.

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Well the appliance guy came out and checked the Dryer. Everything checked out fine.



So I called AEP back and told them that I had an electrician out and an appliance guy out and everything checked out fine! Oh now they are going to have a rep in the area contact me to do a few checks! Said it my take up to 3 days to get a hold of me!



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