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Rattner's article on saving GM, Chrysler


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Lots to read, I skipped around a lot.


It's a great article. Makes it really apparent how much the media fucks with a story to get their own spin on it.




People have a problem with all of this money being spent but DC but they have no idea how bad things could have been.


If we would have "let things work themselves out" it would have made the great depression look like a bad day at the pony track.


Back on topic that was an outstanding article and really hit on some great points.


Me rep you long time

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I thought the article was interesting, but I get the feeling there were a lot of things left out, and everything seemed skewed to be either an excuse for what they did, or giving a positive angle for whatever they did, regardless if it was bad or not.


That said, I am sure the guy did more good than harm, and something had to be done. The fact they caved to the UAW is a bit of a problem for me.

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