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Hickory House in Reynoldsburg


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I haven't been to this place in about 8 years, but last night was pretty lame. My wife called ahead and told them we were going to have about 10 people there and she was told "not a big deal we should be able to seat you fairly quick", okay fine. We get there and I could deal with 10-20 minutes, but we stood there in their crowded entry way for almost 45. I saw a few tables they could easily have pushed together and got us in and out, but they kept seating the one or two people at a time that arrived after us. So after being annoyed that I couldn't leave seeing as how I'm there with my in-laws, we finally get seated, in the corner, in the dark. Yes the table was so dim I could hardly see the food. Watered down soda, burnt apetizer, and a bunch of cackling old people. The only good thing was the steak, that was really good. However for me, my wife, and daughter this fiasco cost us $73. The place sucks. /rant.
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