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westerville school district residents -


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is anyone voting FOR the tax levy tomorrow? ive been trying to look online, and it seems like a lot of people are against it, myself included.


on my house, it would raise my mortgage from $713/mo, to $746/mo... almost a 5% increase.


cant the schools operate in their budget? the rest of the country has had to cut back, but the schools cant?


i guess what pisses me off about being a homeowner, is that i have to pay for schools, which i never went to, will never go to, and i have no kids that will go to...and even IF i decide to have a kid, it'll be ~6 years before they go to any school.


nothing against parents/people with kids, but there should be something where people who have kids should have to kick in a bit more than people who dont. i dont want to pay for your kids to go to school...and once your kids get out of school, you get to go back to a lower tax rate.



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The value of your property is largely dependent on the quality of the school district it lies in, and this is what you're paying to be part of. It's my understanding that westerville has classically never supported their schools very well however, so your efforts may be wasted anyway.
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yeah, but my property is on basically the very edge of the district. i live at morse/sunbury rd, and the closest HS is 4.0 miles away...up morse rd to westerville rd, and all the way into the main part of westerville. westerville schools is about the only good thing this house has going for it.


the other part that pisses me off is that they're going to figure it on the value of my house in 2007 ($115,300) yet when i bought the house in march, i had one appraisal at $75,000 and one at $80,000.

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offtopic, but kinda not...anyone filed a complaint to attempt to lower the assessed value with the auditors office?


is this the form i can fill out and send in, with a reasoning as to why i feel the value should be lowered, as well as both assessors reports i have (from dec 2008 and ~march 2009)??




if i could get them to update the value, would drop taxes to ~1500/yr

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Issue 48 would generate 7.97 new mills of revenue for the district -- estimated to produce $19.6 million annually.


Passage would cost taxpayers $244 a year per $100,000 of home valuation.


Pro- and anti-levy forces have both gathered steam in the last several weeks, displaying yard signs to show their opinions and speaking out at school board meetings.


District officials say passage of the levy is necessary to maintain the high quality of a Westerville education. Levy opponents, on the other hand, argue that most of the funds generated will go toward teacher salaries.


Of the new funds generated by the levy, $9.4 million would go toward employee salaries and retirement and insurance benefits in Fiscal Year 2011, according to the five-year forecast passed at the Oct. 12 board meeting.


An additional $1.3 million would go toward purchased services -- which includes open enrollment, community schools, tuition, legal fees, utilities, and any contracted service. Supplies and materials, such as textbooks, media materials, bus fuel and tires, and other maintenance supplies, are allowed an increase of $133,336.


so ~50% of this is going to increase teachers salaries, when the country is almost at 10% unemployment, and many people are happy just to have a job


and HS kids having to walk up to 2 miles to school? waaaah! i think a HS kid can handle it. elementary, no. HS sure. plus, how many HS kids do you know that walk to school anymore. the only ones i knew of lived within eyesight of the school...all others got a ride from a friend/sibling

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My columbus taxes went up and just started OCT 1. Welcome to the club.


yeah, same here...but i didnt change my work withholding...ill just have to pay out ~100 bucks extra next year...ill switch it over jan 1. not happy about it, but thats what i get for working in westerville, living in columbus, and westerville schools

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I always vote no on levy's and tax increases.


last time they passed a levy by me my taxes increased over $30 a month!

i am sick and tired of schools not managing the money they get. I had to take a salary decrease, they should to!

there are 3 levys they are trying to pass by me, a renewal for that levy they did last year for the school, one for the vocational school by me, and one for parks.

i voted heck no for all of them.

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If people had any idea what it really takes to run a school and educate children the thought would never enter your mind to vote no.


Education takes a backseat in this country and it is going to really become a problem. There is a reason other countries are passing us on education, it is because they see the big picture and understand what is important.


So by all means vote no but be ready to face the consequences of your actions.

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I have never, and do not forsee ever voting against a school levy. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not happy about paying more in taxes, but as much emphasis as there is when people are looking for a home (myself included) that is located in a good school district, I don't think you can go wrong. The school district I am in is facing dire straits right now, having failed to pass a levy in the last two attempts. The district has stopped busing for the high school all together, and stopped busing the younger kids if they live within 5 miles of their respective school. Athletic programs are on pay to play status of I think this year it is $475/student/sport. Electives have been cut significantly, so there is only limited music, art, and phys ed. If the levy being put forth today doesn't pass, my school district (which incedentally has an Excellence With Distinction rating by the state) will fall into fiscal emergency and be subject to being taken over by the state. If that happens, ALL athletic activities will likely end, music, theatre, art, phys ed, etc... will also be cut.


Before anyone points to the school board for not being better stewards of the district's money, you need to know that our district is in the position it is because it is growing at such a rapid rate. We've got new residential construction all over the place which is adding approximately 400 students to the district per year k-12, and the taxes that apply to the new build homes typically do not begin filtering into the school budget for a couple of years.


There has been a lot of opposition to a new operating levy down here, despite the school board's efforts to put together the most fair and fiscally responsible plan. Last November there was a levy on the ballot which would have assessed an earned income tax as opposed to a property tax which would not have affected the most vocal opponents at all, but would have ended up raising the needed capital to maintain athletics, arts, a lot of academic teachers, and busing without any cuts at all, not to mention the fact that we would have been able keep two elementary schools open.

The earned income levy was blindly voted down by the majority of voters, and when asked after the fact, many of them had the same response: "I'm on a fixed income and cannot afford any more taxes." These are the same people now that are saying that a property tax that applies to everyone in the district who is a home owner isn't right, and they plan on voting against it because it is not an earned income tax.


The public education system is too important not to support, regardless of whether you have kids or not. The vast majority of people in this country have come up through the public school system. When you were in school, you knew which districts were the "rich" districts, and when you have kids of your own, who wouldn't want their kid in one of those districts? The point is, those are the "rich" districts because they have the support of their respective communities. My kids are now in a private Christian school because the last two levys failed to pass, and my wife and I are willing to make the sacrifice to see our kids succeed, but we will both be voting for our local school levy.

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If people had any idea what it really takes to run a school and educate children the thought would never enter your mind to vote no.


Education takes a backseat in this country and it is going to really become a problem. There is a reason other countries are passing us on education, it is because they see the big picture and understand what is important.


So by all means vote no but be ready to face the consequences of your actions.


Agreed. The country is already getting stupidier by the year and people just want to cut school funding. We're going to end up like Idiocracy.

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Agreed. The country is already getting stupidier by the year and people just want to cut school funding. We're going to end up like Idiocracy.


Or worse slaves to the more educated countries. If you want to blame anybody don't blame the schools, blame the State. They are the ones who have the power to change how schools are funded but nobody wants to make the not so popular call on that.

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Or worse slaves to the more educated countries. If you want to blame anybody don't blame the schools, blame the State. They are the ones who have the power to change how schools are funded but nobody wants to make the not so popular call on that.


That's true, but I'll be damn if I'd vote for any type of tax increase. All that's doing is letting the powers that be continue their mis appropriations and management of the funds they do have and force the public to pay for them. No thanks.


There are areas of fat to trim and areas in which the schools can spend just a little money on technology and save a shit ton in return. It's call ROI and it directly involves the time and man hours put into registering kiids for school. I won't even tell you how much money Westerville City Schools are leaving on the table from the Fed. Gov't by not completely all the paperwork for free and reduced lunches upon kids registrations. Upwards of $4/day per kid that isn't properly filed. The percentage not completed correctly...in the double digits.


Fuck them....buy a solution that takes them into the current century for registering kids, reap the ROI and avoid tax levy's like this.


Just say NO to increased taxes. PERIOD.

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I am voting againist it. It is crazy that over 85% of Westerville School District's budget goes to salaries. With so many people loosing there jobs and most that do, have had pay freezes. Suck it up and don't give them pay increases.


Sadly, it will probably pass. Westerville has a very good history of passing school tax levys.

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I stopped reading after the first post. All I'll say is, most people need to do a lot more research on exactly how schools are funded and how they use their budgets. Evan, do your research, you sound like a jackass.
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I stopped reading after the first post. All I'll say is, most people need to do a lot more research on exactly how schools are funded and how they use their budgets. Evan, do your research, you sound like a jackass.


aw, must've hit a sore spot with the kid that comes from a teaching family.


obviously you need to go back and read a bit. 1/2 of the money from the levy will go for TEACHER PAY INCREASES. in this time when people are happy to have a job, or are working for less, im supposed to give the teachers a pay increase? fuck no. waaah, high school kids will have to walk up to 2 miles to school...oh no!


put something on the ballot that goes towards books, computers, anything else that will help the kids, sure. now is not the time for anyone to be asking for a raise. 100% bad timing for that.

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aw, must've hit a sore spot with the kid that comes from a teaching family.


obviously you need to go back and read a bit. 1/2 of the money from the levy will go for TEACHER PAY INCREASES. in this time when people are happy to have a job, or are working for less, im supposed to give the teachers a pay increase? fuck no. waaah, high school kids will have to walk up to 2 miles to school...oh no!


put something on the ballot that goes towards books, computers, anything else that will help the kids, sure. now is not the time for anyone to be asking for a raise. 100% bad timing for that.


I must have hit a sore spot for the completely uninformed I guess.


Teachers shape the future of the world, like it or not. My sister has a Masters degree and teaches, yet I make more than her. Maybe you don't deserve your raise for a couple years? I mean, I'm assuming your performance doesn't matter, I just don't think you should be paid more. I'm positive your job is less important, maybe you should make less.


Books, computers, etc... are great tools for the kids. Who is going to use them to teach the kids, when there are no teachers left?


Since you are such a dumbass, maybe you should research what I said. The entirety of school funding, the cuts, etc... You are completely uninformed and it is painfully obvious. Coming from a teaching family doesn't mean shit (hell only one person is a teacher in my family). Knowledge is power, and you are weak.

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I must have hit a sore spot for the completely uninformed I guess.


Teachers shape the future of the world, like it or not. My sister has a Masters degree and teaches, yet I make more than her. Maybe you don't deserve your raise for a couple years? I mean, I'm assuming your performance doesn't matter, I just don't think you should be paid more. I'm positive your job is less important, maybe you should make less.


Books, computers, etc... are great tools for the kids. Who is going to use them to teach the kids, when there are no teachers left?


Since you are such a dumbass, maybe you should research what I said. The entirety of school funding, the cuts, etc... You are completely uninformed and it is painfully obvious. Coming from a teaching family doesn't mean shit (hell only one person is a teacher in my family). Knowledge is power, and you are weak.



Hal stop posting the truth or I will have you thrown in CR Gitmo with Paul and maybe I will toss Phil in there to make it a party :)

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