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Columbus Racing?


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yea dover ive been threw this over an over again on here.


Seems there is only a small group here that do race so you just race each other over and over. Dover off to the grudge.

yea 100% agree.. shoot we even have to race eachother when we go to other cities.. haha


btw the vette was moving out man congrats on your times


Do you really want to start this argument? Don't be a fucking idiot and start bashing drag racing, because I am pretty fucking sure I never stated that the other types aren't racing. So PLEASE eat a dick and get the fuck out of here with that shit.


I joined the site to race Jon Linn, nothing more, nothing less......

haha an how is that going for you?


btw I always ment to ask who was faster… ur vette or lynns camaro back in the day? ive seen videos with different outcomes




this is bugs the living shit out of me… don’t get me wrong pay imp not trying to bash you but holy hell I see you saying there fucking everywhere including face book. it makes no sense its annoying as fuck ahhhhhhhhh


Well isn't this fun!

no not really because even know this went 6 pages there will be maybe 1 more person who will race… but very doubtful



Dover u know im down to race 100% of the time with anything. I don’t care if im slow (which I am sucks but oh well I make due) I will race with what ive got jus for the pure fact that I enjoy racing.



doesn’t matter if its drag racing autoxings offroading I don’t care what type of racing you do as long as you do it …but the problem is just that… no one does it .. 90% of cr is alllllllll talk . they bench race there life away an never leave the keyboard to any race event. shoot there are only a select few who actually come out to a meet just to talk an bs….


I understand the mature people who have grown out of it ah too ahhh u did this back in its hay day. but that’s just it you did it back in the day. I understand about not street racing that’s cool but again 90% of cr wont even get out to a dang track event held by cr let alone a normal track day for any racing. it's just annoying to see such a large site go on and on about stuff that is not about racing. the fact that the parking lot is twice as large as the passing lane just proves my point.


I loved the cr when I first joined in 07 all that was on there was talk about racing. now it's about of homo sitting behind a computer saying what their car should do an not showing what till do. track street ect ect. sucks but the keyboard jockeys will always be here no way to change that… why do you think I call soo many people out? I know my shits slow but I can call out almost every one because there too scared to run their car instead of their mouth


with that being said im back from my 10 day ban thank you space ghost you crybaby piece of shit go wreck another motorcycle fuckhead. :)

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with that being said im back from my 10 day ban thank you space ghost you crybaby piece of shit go wreck another motorcycle fuckhead. :)


1 more days.. see ya when you get back.


If you have a problem with the mods here take it up with admins in pm's...

Edited by V8 Beast
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Its only Nov. and everyone is getting all antsy. I cant wait for January/Feb to roll around...


columbusracing.com where the weak come to complain online.


People need to stick a manpon in their mangina, step away from the keyboard, shut up, and race. Just race something in a straight line, circle, road course, 2,4,6,8 wheels it does not matter.


I have never seen so much trash talk that does not get backed up. If type it or say it you better fucking do it. Save the drama and excuses for your mama, stap it up and run it otherwise shut your mouth and get your shit together then comeback and talk about how fast you used to be.

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whoa!! Paul got banned for rufflin some of Bens feathers?


How dare Paul do such a thing, im sure he was wrong in whatever he called ben out on!! Doesnt he know that the said motorcycle wrecking cryface is a mod?!!


see you guys in a few days.

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columbusracing.com where the weak come to complain online.


People need to stick a manpon in their mangina, step away from the keyboard, shut up, and race. Just race something in a straight line, circle, road course, 2,4,6,8 wheels it does not matter.


I have never seen so much trash talk that does not get backed up. If type it or say it you better fucking do it. Save the drama and excuses for your mama, stap it up and run it otherwise shut your mouth and get your shit together then comeback and talk about how fast you used to be.



Im gonna total my car.

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