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Huge KaBoom! in Delaware, OH


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Wondering if anyone else, wherever you live, heard a very loud "boom" today at approx. 12:30-12:35pm.


Some info:


Was sitting in my living room. Hear a very loud boom. It sounded like something very large had just fell onto the floor above me or even the roof. I mean big. I even thought something had come thru the roof or some shit upstairs. It was crazy. I began to get up and noticed my neighbor outside, as well. Went outside and then noticed everyone up and down the block coming outside with looks of confusion. Two little girls ran inside across teh street from fear and startlement. Nobody could see any signs of what could've possibly caused this huge "boom" or explosion sound. This was not a gunshot! This was huge. Every had the same comment, like something large had hit their house or something. Very odd.


If you did experience this or know anything, please post it with your location. Thanks.

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Plane hitting Mach 1?

No other accompanying noises or noticable crafts. Doesn't rule it out, however. Didn't seem like one, either.


I am in delaware and heard something too. I thought it was just someone next door dropping something heavy.

I thought someone dropped a rock on my roof or some crazy shit. Next door thought someone had hit his house with a car, etc. Crazy.


any power stations around. get those booms fairly often at times here. some can shake the house. have one a maybe a tiger golf drive away.

Power stations a good thought. I believe there's a small one just down the road off of Liberty Rd. I know there's also a mine not too far from here off of Section Line. However, in the 3yrs I've lived in this location, neither of us have ever heard or felt a boom like that. The neighbors all seemed just as confused and curious as I was. I'll drive by the power station here in a bit since I have to leave, anyway, and see if there's anything going on still. It's have to be much bigger than a normal sized transformer, though. I've had the normal ones on the poles blow on more than one occasion (earthquake, squirrel, etc) and none of them approached this in the least.

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No other accompanying noises or noticable crafts. Doesn't rule it out, however. Didn't seem like one, either.



I thought someone dropped a rock on my roof or some crazy shit. Next door thought someone had hit his house with a car, etc. Crazy.



Power stations a good thought. I believe there's a small one just down the road off of Liberty Rd. I know there's also a mine not too far from here off of Section Line. However, in the 3yrs I've lived in this location, neither of us have ever heard or felt a boom like that. The neighbors all seemed just as confused and curious as I was. I'll drive by the power station here in a bit since I have to leave, anyway, and see if there's anything going on still.


The stone quarry still does live blasting. Perhaps that's what you heard? I thought you lived on polaris?

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