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Flash mob at Easton saturday [GEO]


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For the geocachers,

There's a cache event in Easton this Saturday the 14th. It's kinda silly but may be entertaining. Basically people gather up, do something as a group then disperse immediately. leaving the Innocent bystanders wondering wtf just happened.



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depending on how things go tomorrow, i may not be able to get there. i got sucked into doing some work on a co-workers car. i started at midnight, finished at 3, then realised i did something wrong. now i have to get up at ~7:30am and have it fixed and to him by 11am. then i must be at work by 4pm and dont get off till 2am



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from that link above

and 2 seconds of searching youtube

November 15 by TeamGuisinger (757 found)

When we arrived at the fountain we were psyched that there were so many muggles about to enjoy what was about to happen. We saw a few familiar faces in the crowd (and several that you could peg as cachers) but were convinced we were not going to have enough people to ring that huge fountain. People were running up to me with those worries and my mom was frantically counting blocks and telling us where we had to place everyone to get a full circle. When the whistle blew and almost the entire crowd starting moving forward I nearly cried. I was amazed at how many totally awesome geocachers showed up to cause a scene with us! I do believe I jumped up and down saying "we did it!"


Everyone showed up on time and did exactly what was asked and it went off perfectly. My daughter and I couldn't help giggling listening to the muggles comments while we played dead. "But Daddy, why are they laying down?" "I have absolutely no idea...snicker snicker" Then I hear someone on the ground say "because we'll do anything for a smiley." What a hoot!


As many of you know this event was short in time. We felt the need to disperse quickly to avoid law enforcement. Apparently we did not disperse quickly enough as security was waiting on Mr. G when we were finished. Luckily he can talk his way out of anything. There was a bunch of "you can't do that" from the guard and a bunch of "no problem, we're leaving" (b/c we're already done) from Mr. G. The security guard was very curious as to how we got a group of people to do this and why on earth we did it at all. He also felt that we could have induced panic over H1N1. I didn't know that people were suddenly dropping dead in large groups due to H1N1? Anyone who actually saw us singing "ring around the rosie" (which is echoing in my head btw) understood that we were goofing off. I did not hear or see anything that would lead me to believe we scared anyone. When the guard was walking away he was overheard telling someone on his walkie-talkie "you missed it man."


We were disappointed to learn that someone had called and given Easton security a heads-up about our event that morning. That was pretty uncool of whoever made that call. Not everyone has a child's heart and knows how to have fun so we'll forgive you this time.


It looks like Child's Play was the largest event in Ohio. Thank you all for coming together with us and making this a success beyond our wildest dreams. We had such a great time and we are already planning our next devious adventure. All day long I kept thinking "I can't believe we got all of these people to come out and do this." You, my fellow cachers, are the coolest people we know!


Congrats to Bartholic for making Child's Play their 200th find.


Congrats to KBlast for the 100th day of caching and their 300th find. We are honored to have our event on your shirts!


Thanks to Bartholic and Chasuer for hosting with us. I love it that when I say "I have this idea that involves making fools of ourselves and possibly getting thrown in jail" they get huge smiles and said "Love it! We're there!"


A big thank you to Easton who unknowingly put up a beautiful Christmas tree that made our photos and videos more festive. A big thank you to security guard #1 for not being able to pin anything on us and letting us go on our way. A big thank you to security guard #2 who was mislead to believe we were a family reunion and passed out mall maps for our convenience. A big thank you to my mom who came to her first geo-event to take pictures. She was also on hand to rescue our kids should their parents be thrown in jail. lol. And last but not least a big thank you to everyone who showed up and flashed! We are still laughing the next morning and we can't wait to do it again!

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