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Just bought a fuckin house! Woohoo!


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Congrats.. welcome to hell.


I hope all your appliances, a/c, furnace, etc. dies in a year. Then post up your excitement :).


the housing god's will now shit on you and everything will break tomorrow.


its a fun time though. i dont think ive had more than 2-3 FREE weekends since i bought my house in march. something always needs to be done.


also, lowes and home depot will be your best friends. there have been a couple times where ive made 3-4 trips to lowes in ONE DAY.

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Thanks for all the congrats everyone. I still gotta get some pics, I dont get home until its dark outside so exterior pics are kinda tricky. The fun part is gonna be living there while we are fixing it. The local fast food places are gonna love us for the next couple weeks unless the kitchen magically finishes itself.
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Why is that? The school taxes are a littel less than Canal's which is where we've been living and the property taxes were less in pick town than on a comnparable home in canal.

You weren't told about the Pickerington school income tax and Pickerington City income tax?

Surprise!!! Welcome to Pickerington! :D




But Congrats on the house!

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You weren't told about the Pickerington school income tax and Pickerington City income tax?

Surprise!!! Welcome to Pickerington! :D




But Congrats on the house!


Its all good. Im just happy we were able to get a house in a nice area.


Plus, it works out good for my lady cuz she works at J Nicoles, so now she has about a 2 miute drive to work.

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... puts both Home Depot and Lowes to shame. If you take your wife plan to spend half a day...


I'm in Picktown in Huntington Hills... GREAT freakin place to live. My daughter went to school with Nicole. Good people.


Let me know when the deck needs work.





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So when I got home from work last night there was a letter taped to my door that read something along the lines of, "Noisy mufflers and racing down the streets will not be tolerated." and "This is not a party complex." Ive been there for 2 days, I havent even had a chance to do something wrong before getting bitched at. I drive slower through the neghborhood than any of the other residents but, because my car is loud, I must be speeding. I can see now that being a "young punk kid with a noisy car" is gonna make owning this home a little more of a pain in the ass. And I definitley dont see how the "this is not a party complex" comment makes any sense because, I havent had the house long enough to have a damn party. Fuckers.
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So when I got home from work last night there was a letter taped to my door that read something along the lines of, "Noisy mufflers and racing down the streets will not be tolerated." and "This is not a party complex." Ive been there for 2 days, I havent even had a chance to do something wrong before getting bitched at. I drive slower through the neghborhood than any of the other residents but, because my car is loud, I must be speeding. I can see now that being a "young punk kid with a noisy car" is gonna make owning this home a little more of a pain in the ass. And I definitley dont see how the "this is not a party complex" comment makes any sense because, I havent had the house long enough to have a damn party. Fuckers.


LOL, what could they do about it? Talk to Thorne and get a camera set up, find out who it is and leave return notes.


I would also have a no soliciting sign up.

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So when I got home from work last night there was a letter taped to my door that read something along the lines of, "Noisy mufflers and racing down the streets will not be tolerated." and "This is not a party complex." Ive been there for 2 days, I havent even had a chance to do something wrong before getting bitched at. I drive slower through the neghborhood than any of the other residents but, because my car is loud, I must be speeding. I can see now that being a "young punk kid with a noisy car" is gonna make owning this home a little more of a pain in the ass. And I definitley dont see how the "this is not a party complex" comment makes any sense because, I havent had the house long enough to have a damn party. Fuckers.


If they want noise just let Scott and Anthony know they can do a couple of drive by's

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I'd call Fastsign and would put a giant sign up on your Garage for a few days that reads: Thanks for the warm welcome to the neighborhood, but I don't street race, haven't had a party, and thanks for being a giant douchebag instead of an ADULT and judging me before you come and actually meet me. -Signed current home owner.


I bet a few neighbors will come over and rat the person out. Chances are they have done it to another neighbor too at some point in time.

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So when I got home from work last night there was a letter taped to my door that read something along the lines of, "Noisy mufflers and racing down the streets will not be tolerated." and "This is not a party complex." Ive been there for 2 days, I havent even had a chance to do something wrong before getting bitched at. I drive slower through the neghborhood than any of the other residents but, because my car is loud, I must be speeding. I can see now that being a "young punk kid with a noisy car" is gonna make owning this home a little more of a pain in the ass. And I definitley dont see how the "this is not a party complex" comment makes any sense because, I havent had the house long enough to have a damn party. Fuckers.


Thats really shitty to get after coming home to your new home just after 2 days. Are your neighbor's like mid 50 year old assholes?

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Lol, the funny thing is that I was telling a co worker the same thing this morning. I even said scott and anthony. Good stuff.


You know when I had my first house at 19 I got the same shit. Of coure I was a little more of a hotheaded asshole back then, and proceeded to do wheelies up and down my street on my ATV. Not that it solved anything. Back then I was one of those punks with a big loud stereo and a loud ATV, I used to turn the music down when I pulled into the neighborhood but they could still hear it. I say fuck them, they're just jealous that they couldn't have had a nice house when they were in their 20s.

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You know when I had my first house at 19 I got the same shit. Of coure I was a little more of a hotheaded asshole back then, and proceeded to do wheelies up and down my street on my ATV. Not that it solved anything. Back then I was one of those punks with a big loud stereo and a loud ATV, I used to turn the music down when I pulled into the neighborhood but they could still hear it. I say fuck them, they're just jealous that they couldn't have had a nice house when they were in their 20s.


Trust me, it has taken everything I have not to do something stupid. I just think Ill let it slide and after they live next to me for the next few years, they will find out that Im not a bad guy. Who am I kidding, Im just gonna have a ridiculous party here soon and only invite the wildest and noisiest people I know. :D

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Trust me, it has taken everything I have not to do something stupid. I just think Ill let it slide and after they live next to me for the next few years, they will find out that Im not a bad guy. Who am I kidding, Im just gonna have a ridiculous party here soon and only invite the wildest and noisiest people I know. :D


Honestly it would probably make me want to start driving fast down the roads and having loud parties just to piss them off. I like the suggestion that SpaceGhost came up with. Although I do think it's easier just to say fuck it and let it slide. Yeah it would piss me off that I'm being judged so quickly by some faggot who hasn't even met me, but at the same time, who gives a shit what some asshole thinks.

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