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Hey Cleveland Brown Fans


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you own apple products, therefore you suck much more than the browns, and you are gayer than brady quinn


Well with the Browns record being the same as the Lions and Ben is a lions fan. Guess that makes you two equals.



Oh and I watched the game last night and it was a very painful site

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Spent the first 18 years of my life growing up a fan. 1980's Cardiac Kids were awesome and had season tickets with my family. Good times.


Last night, I had great seats for free but just couldn't justify the time in the car both ways to go see them lose :(:o

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I just hope people stop going to the games and maybe then they will realize that their product fucking sucks. I've been a fan all my life. Watched them in the early/mid 80's in my grandma's family room with her yelling at the tv and waiving the browns hanky. It kills me to see them be so damn horrible, but I know that they are by far the worst team in the NFL. I'm still a fan and always will be, but damn they suck.
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I just hope people stop going to the games and maybe then they will realize that their product fucking sucks. I've been a fan all my life. Watched them in the early/mid 80's in my grandma's family room with her yelling at the tv and waiving the browns hanky. It kills me to see them be so damn horrible, but I know that they are by far the worst team in the NFL. I'm still a fan and always will be, but damn they suck.


they tried to boycott the fist quarter but most of fans did not follow through.

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I just hope people stop going to the games and maybe then they will realize that their product fucking sucks. I've been a fan all my life. Watched them in the early/mid 80's in my grandma's family room with her yelling at the tv and waiving the browns hanky. It kills me to see them be so damn horrible, but I know that they are by far the worst team in the NFL. I'm still a fan and always will be, but damn they suck.


The team had to buy out most of the seats in the place by 8pm on Friday to keep the Monday night game from being blacked out in the area. By doing so it also got them secured into more Monday night football spots too.

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yeah play calling was shit, but they can't droip back to pass because the right tackle can't stop a freaking high school kid from getting around him.


The rookie RD looked good, the D was stellar overall. and BQ i think did about as much as he could considering the circumstances.

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