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Bah Humbug!

Trouble Maker

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They put the Christmas tree up at work already. Christmas lights everywhere. Fuck that shit. What happened to waiting until after Thanksgiving? :o


No one cares anymore about the history of this country, and Christmas is only about presents, trees and lights anymore. Seriously, what more could you expect?

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No one cares anymore about ... history ... Christmas is only about presents, trees and lights anymore.


We should go back to Christmas's roots. http://www.thehistoryofchristmas.com/ch/before_christ.htm


Oh, you were implying Jesus's birth... at least that, without the mythology of a virgin birth, was a real event (assuming Jesus the man actually existed).

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No one cares anymore about the history of this country, and Christmas is only about presents, trees and lights anymore. Seriously, what more could you expect?



Please go over the "history of this country" in regards to Christmas, that everyone should care about.

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I need some snow this week to make it even remotely feel like Christmas. I swear I've seen near zero ads and misc. compared to previous years. With the economy, etc., I don't expect this to be much of a joyous shopping season for retail, thus I think they've scaled way back.


I did notice that the Dublin Rec. Center has all their stuff going up and lit. My son commented on how they had all the outside lights on during the middle of the day.


Our stuff is going up this weekend. I need a pick-me-up mood swing.

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We should go back to Christmas's roots. http://www.thehistoryofchristmas.com...ore_christ.htm


Oh, you were implying Jesus's birth... at least that, without the mythology of a virgin birth, was a real event (assuming Jesus the man actually existed).


I wasn't implying either. Christmas is about belief, in something, whatever you chose it to be. Whether it the birth of Christ, Astrological followings, Economic revitalization, the simple act of spending time with family, or the multitude of other Religious activities that take place during that time.


Presents, trees, and fancy lights, which is what Christmas seems to focus on anymore, is just a mockery of the spirit of Christmas.






Please go over the "history of this country" in regards to Christmas, that everyone should care about.


Please go over my post again, notice the comma separating my sentence breaking up the history comment (about Thanksgiving as I was replying in order to Trouble Maker's post) and my comment about Christmas. Also note the "and" after the comma clearly separating them into two different points being made.


Reading comprehension, something at least you should care about. I mean really, there were two points to Trouble Makers post, I responded to both, yet you end up focusing on just Christmas.... really?



Do you even know why Thanksgiving is celebrated?

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I wasn't implying either.


Not knowing whether you are religious or not, it's easy to assume the earlier.


I think it should be all about getting together with your family, but that's just me. I want to worry about getting together with my family for Thanksgiving before I get Christmas shoved down my throat.

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The gas station was playing "The first NOEL" out at the pumps the other day, I was quite put off by it. It's not as bad as working in a Meijer and listening to the Musac station loop the same 6 songs over and over again though.


Oh my god, the Muzak station at work plays the saaaaame shit, every damn day. And I don't even work in retail, thats just what plays in the building. Luckily, we change the station every once in a while, but you still hear the same shit if you stay on it for more than 8 hours.

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Raping Indians?
Well, lol, there are bad sides to every good story. But just think, had the Pilgrims and later settlers not done such a thing, we might all be speaking in tongue and wearing loin cloths.




Also, not strictly religious, though baptized Catholic. I follow my own beliefs though.




ETA, I also like to separate my Holidays. My Christmas tree wont go up till Dec 1st at the earliest.

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Our wonderful GM has required all senior salaried staff, totaling 10 people, to decorate the facility (7 rooms, 5 trees, in two buildings) tomorrow starting at 8am. We are not allowed to used any hourly staff. Our reward is pizza for lunch.


Feliz Navidad!



You can get out of this.... IF you really wanted to.





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Who gives a fuck when people put up their tree or christmas lights or when the stores start advertising. Is it wrong for people to look forward to something? Christmas or "the Holiday Season" means different things to different people so let them do their thing and you do yours...
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