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CCW private class, who wants in?


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i am getting together a private CCW class held by


Tim Bostic

Mechanicsburg Police

18 N. Main St

Mechanicsburg, OH 43044



12 hr one day Basic CCW Class and taught by Law Enforcement with over 25 years of experience


up to 20 people can get in on this, but i need 10 for the class to happen.


its $50 per person he covers the range fee, and ill need a $25 deposit to give him, within a week or so (the sooner the better)

you need to bring your own pistol and 50 rounds of ammo.


class will be on a sunday i think either the 2nd or 3rd week of december (ill find out for sure once i get a list of people together.


right now i have 5 people thats including myself.

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lol. "he covers the range fee".


they go to the sportsmans club that the PD does their qualifying at. actually, when my class went out there, he took an officer with him to do his annual qualifying. 2 birds with one stone.


i called my brother since he said he was interested, but i guess he cant get the days off...ill check with a couple people at work tomorrow to see if anyone is interested.

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  OH8STi said:
Hey is it in mechanicsburg? Cause that's 3 hours away


where do you live? WV?


i lived in blacklick when i took it and it was a ~45-50 min drive in the morning (730am traffic = none). and about an hour back at 8pm..but i think i stopped for gas on the way home too.

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  evan9381 said:
where do you live? WV?


i lived in blacklick when i took it and it was a ~45-50 min drive in the morning (730am traffic = none). and about an hour back at 8pm..but i think i stopped for gas on the way home too.


lol i searched it on my iphone and it said its by WV.....clearly it was wrong. I see the right place now.


Hoblick, make that 3. Me, my buddy, my dad, and possibly his dad. But 3 for sure. I can get you the money tomorrow.

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  OH8STi said:
lol i searched it on my iphone and it said its by WV.....clearly it was wrong. I see the right place now.


Hoblick, make that 3. Me, my buddy, my dad, and possibly his dad. But 3 for sure. I can get you the money tomorrow.


lol. take 70e for like 15-20 mi past the outerbelt, then head north for another 8 miles maybe? its not too far. not the most convienent place, but whatddya expect for $50. haha

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this is an UPDATE so everyone read this if you dont know already..


the class is

Sunday December 13th from 8a.m. to 8p.m.

if you want to attend it is $50 for the class.

a $25 non refundable deposit must be given to me by sunday the 6th so i can mail him the full deposit for all attending.

the class is limited to 20 people, so the first 20 to speak up AND pay there deposit get the spots


What you need for the class:

a pistol.. doesnt matter what caliber it is.

50 rounds of ammo.

eye and ear protection

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i composed a list as of now...


The list is as follows, and i will update accordingly. these are people i know are 100% interested and want to attend. if you asked about it and are not on the list, just please post again stating you are infact definately wanting to attend. I will need your $25 non refundable deposit by sunday december 6th. Ill take cash in person or Paypal (you cover the % for the transfer) for payment, PM me for a time to meet up, or my paypal address.


CR = columbus racing member

OR = ohio riders member

P = Paid deposit



1. My self (P)

2. FormulaMatt (CR)(P)

3. Jordan (one of my friends from work)(P)

4. Ben/He Hate MEe (CR)

5. Z28Zach (CR)

6. Z28Zach's friend

7. OH8STI (CR)

8. OH8STI's Friend (CR)

9. Jagr (OR)

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