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Atlas Butler Heating/Cooling - WTF


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I had a salesman like that once from Champion Windows, the dude was way to pushy and wouldn't give me a straight answer on price, but wanted me to sign a contract, etc etc. He didn't want to leave either so after the 3rd or 4th time of asking him nicely to leave my property, I told him I'd call the police if he didn't leave that minute. No dice. So I picked up his case of examples shit, (glass window/heat light/etc), and chucked it as far out my front door as I could, in the MIDDLE of my lawn, that had no grass because I was reseeding it, so complete MUD and it was pouring down raining. Then, I did the same thing with that fucktard, except he landed on his ass on my front walk.


Fucking people. Then his manager had the nerve to call the next week and ask why I WAS RUDE to this fucking idiot. I told him never to call me again or I'd press charges against the salesman and the company.

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Sort of. Only if they come to you unsolicited. If you call them or ask them to come out, you're not protected. Examples:


Vacuum cleaner salesman comes to door unannounced, sells you a unit. You are protected under the law.


You call vacuum cleaner company, they send salesman, sells you a unit. You are not protected.


The same is true if you go to any store, car dealership, whatever. If you initiate the transaction you are not protected. Your only recourse is the company/organization return policy if they have one.


I was under the impression that all in home sales qualified under the consumer protection act: 3 day right to rescission, whereas in-store contracts were most often not.

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I was under the impression that all in home sales qualified under the consumer protection act: 3 day right to rescission, whereas in-store contracts were most often not.


Actually, I think you're right. It appears that for home improvement stuff like this (or plumbing, or alarm systems, etc.) that a mandatory 3-day right does exist under the law. I was mistaken.

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