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Crazy coyote hit by car and rides it out 600 miles


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Cold side of the radiator....probably was hot, but plenty of air flow I would guess.


It's one leg is cut up in one of the pics, thats incredible.

He wasn't touching the radiator at all. Radiator on almost every modern car is behind the condenser core for the A/C. On my Buick, which runs a little hot normally, I can put my hand on the front of the condenser core even after sitting in traffic for half an hour, and it will only be mildly uncomfortable. On the backside of the radiator, though, yeah, I'd get burned.

The coyote also has the benefit of having a thick winter coat this time of year, so he had plenty of insulation to protect him from any real heat. He'd have had an uncomfortable, but warm, ride.

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