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W.T.F. Microsoft SP3 = BSOD


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Tonight, my PC politely tells me I have updates to install. I say, "sure'. I notice one of the updates is SP3. I'm a little confused since I thought that update was early '08, but what the Hell.


Things go well, it restarts, and blammo... can't boot. Can't boot into safe mode. Can't start in last successful configuration. Can't do jack shit. The BSOD does not point to a specific file. It has a STOP: 0x0000007 something...


I Google it, and holy shit, me and 10,000,000 other people have been through this exact same nightmare. So, what the fuck, Microsoft?


I have read to hold F7 while selecting Safe Mode... no go.

I have read to remove all USB devices. Done... no go.

I have read to boot with Dos prompt... no go.


If any of you in CR world have a fix I can try, by all means, post away. This of course is the PC that I have all of my boy's pics and vids stored on with no kind of backup (I know).

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Yeah, I installed SP3 on a pc here at work. That was the last one that I installed it on. I made sure to go around to every pc and hide that update so that none of the users here would install it.


I don't know of a fix. Hope you get it figured out though.

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Thanks for posting I now know not to select this update on my XP VM. Good luck. The only thing I suggest is pulling the HD out and pluging it in another PC that is already booted, and copy your files to that machine, then reformat and put the files back, and make a backup!
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Thanks for posting I now know not to select this update on my XP VM. Good luck. The only thing I suggest is pulling the HD out and pluging it in another PC that is already booted, and copy your files to that machine, then reformat and put the files back, and make a backup!


This was my suggestion as well.

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Thankfully I just told my wife for the 23243543rd time never to update and to make sure they are all turned off. Not that she would, but even though I turn off notifications of such things, once in a while upon a reboot, it comes up for her at the office. Double check them all now.


Good luck.

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Why anyone would turn off windows updates is beyond me since 99% of the time it fixes flaws in their OS that could leave your vulnerable. I have never had an issue with installing SP3 onto an XP machine and I've done it on around 200 machines.


If nothing you find on the net is working take it out like mentioned and copy the files off that you need.


Reformat and for god sakes get a external drive and back your crap up!

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I have never had an issue with installing SP3 onto an XP machine and I've done it on around 200 machines.


How did you do it? Meaning, via auto updates or other method?


for god sakes get a external drive and back your crap up!


Just told my wife that is what I am buying myself for X-mas.


Is this an AMD machine?


No. Dell with Pentium 4 3.2


I made a BartPE disk for giggles; not sure I have the balls to mess around with it. I have a good friend who owned his own PC repair business for a while coming over Saturday. We shall see...

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I've updated all of my computers here to SP3 with no issues. They have been updated by the automatic option and also manual. It has to be a hardware problem. I would start with the video card. Borrow a cheap one from a friend and install it in your computer and try booting. If that works then you know it is your video card. Start removing other expansion cards one by one if this doesn't work. Then start doing the same thing with CD-ROMs extra hard drives, and finally RAM chips.
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I've updated all of my computers here to SP3 with no issues. They have been updated by the automatic option and also manual. It has to be a hardware problem. I would start with the video card. Borrow a cheap one from a friend and install it in your computer and try booting. If that works then you know it is your video card. Start removing other expansion cards one by one if this doesn't work. Then start doing the same thing with CD-ROMs extra hard drives, and finally RAM chips.


In my experience, 0x7f errors are usually bad ram. (can be tested with memtest86, which is also a free download). but I have also seen it be drivers. On microsoft's website, 0x7f can practically be anything.

Edited by dakotart
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My vote is video drivers as well. Bad RAM could be a possibility, but bad RAM wouldn't just show itself after a SP - too coincidental. I agree with pulling down BartPE and removing the video driver.


As far as anyone turning off SP3 or any other Windows updates, you're fucking yourself out of absolutely critical and necessary updates that help protect you. I've overseen thousands of SP3 upgrades and not one had an issue. Vinny's issue SUCKS, but it's certainly not the rule - it's an exception. Besides, most of you already have SP3 and don't even realize it. It was pushed out over a year ago. Stop being panicky.

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How did you do it? Meaning, via auto updates or other method?




Just told my wife that is what I am buying myself for X-mas.




No. Dell with Pentium 4 3.2


I made a BartPE disk for giggles; not sure I have the balls to mess around with it. I have a good friend who owned his own PC repair business for a while coming over Saturday. We shall see...


Some stand alone and some via auto updates.

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