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Computer speed


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Okay so I know there are a ton of computer savy guys on this forum, so how can I make my computer faster? I'm constantly deleting all the internet junk (browsing history, temp files, ect), I also don't have any toolbars on my browser, and I've deleted programs I know I don't need or use. Aside from a RAM upgrade is there anything else I can do?




and don't tell me to go to finallyfast.com :rolleyes:

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One of the best ways to keep a computer running like new is to reinstall the operating system every couple of years. Yes, its a pain in the ass, yes you have to backup all of your personal files (pics, music, movies) and reinstall all of your drivers, programs once you're back up and running, but it really is well worth the time and effort. Also you can be confident that all viruses, malware, and other such goodies are completely removed.


Other than RAM, hardware wise you could do a processor upgrade, but the jumps are usually pretty minimal, maybe some overclocking but you may do something not so good, or just induce instability. Even something as simple as having a cheap video card (if you're on-board) can take some of the stress off the main chip.

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Just to add to what has already been said. Registry errors and other funk in there will slow it down. The easiest way will be to backup things you want to keep, and just reformat the whole thing and start fresh. Having at least 1gb ram, 2 preferably will also help.
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It wont help a ton but also you should defrag your drive...


if you dont know how tell me and I will explain but I will not explain and waste time if you already know how to do this...


Also if you ahve things you dont need starting up when you log in suck as limewire, aim, etc things like that will slow it down also because they will be running in the background even if you are not logged in and using them

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If you are on a windows machine, you can give it the three fingered salute and look at the processes. What is taking up the memory and cpu, then go rip that stuff out.


Reinstall is the best option, but you might as well just buy a new machine as I find I want a new one every few years anyway.

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why the F are people still using limewire???? you want to destroy a good pc...then use limewire.


I built a computer for my parents a year or so ago and had to reformat it within 2 weeks because some asshole decided to tell my dad about Limewire. Only time I've ever seen a more screwed up computer was when my friend and I grilled an eMachine.

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Haha, they actually had those. Forgot about that. WTF did those do anyway?


They were used to slow down a CPUs clock speed by turning off the switch. This was needed for some older dos based games made at the time these buttons were normal. Some of those games needed a certain CPU clock speed to run and if you had a faster processor it made the game display much faster then it should be. With any newer OS this is not a problem.


But to the OP you should backup your files and reinstall windows. Here is step by step of how to run a clean install of windows xp



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#1. RAM upgrades are cheap, and probably cheaper than you think.

#2 Reload the OS. Its not easy to do if you dont know what the hell you are doing, offer someone a 6 pack and im sure they (I) would do it for you

#3 Delete unwanted files and Defrag

#4 Personally, I would keep 15% of the hard drive freed up (so if you have 100gb drive, only use 75GB)

#5 Limewire will not kill your PC. If you avoid DL'ing random .exe, .bat, etc files, you will eliminate probably 95% of your problems

#6 Scan with Malwarebytes for viruses


Most other advice would be to update your hardware.

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