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I made him call the police dept and found it odd that the dispatcher that answered told him and I quote "gift cards are like cash finders keepers". They did confirm that if its turned in that it would become his after 30 days. But it wont be there for 30 days.


Pretty fucking sad world when the dispatcher says that.

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US Mail with a short note and holiday wishes. /thread.



I lost my wallet once, and got everything but the wallet back via US Mail. There was no return addy, but then I think it's because they may have thought I'd go after for potential ill-doing. Nothing bad ever came from anything, but I was glad that someone out there did a good deed.


I wish I was this lucky, I lost my wallet sitting down at the race track a few years back, I had 200 ish in my wallet and all my personal stuff. I never recieved anything back. I think someone just took the money and my cards and chucks the wallet out the window or something

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