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Fuck Thieves


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My parents house in Marion was broken into tonight. I know break ins happen. The part that pisses me off is that there were cars parked in the driveway and lights in the house were on. So someone did not care that someone was home. My parents were not home so nothing that cant be replaced was taken. They did steal a few guns and some of my fathers heart medicine. But they took something that cant be replaced and that is my mother feeling secure.


I want to be calm but the only thing I can think is I wish I could find these people.


I will be going to Marion tomorrow to help my parents put back together there ransacked house and let my father borrow a few guns.


I will post up make and model of the guns that were stolen when I get the info.


I am done ranting time to try and calm down.

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Cleaning my guns again Saturday. Hilliard has been hit, Powell has been hit, and if they come knocking here, I'm going to introduce them to some nasty shit.


That is the bad shit. My parents live in middle of no where. Neighbors on both sides of them house value is about 3 times my parents house. No reason to target them.


Whoever did it better not know any of my family cause if I find them there is a pig farm less then a mile from my parents house.

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i am a very light sleeper and always have a heater within reach. I cant wait till the day comes where some fuckin thief makes the last decision of his sorry life and breaks into my house lol


"heater" lol you probably live in a gated community and your house is surrounded by security gaurds :bangbang:

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i want to get one more hand gun...ive got one in my night stand upstairs (3 level split house), but if im ever downstairs late at night and hear someone breaking in, its gonna be next to impossible to get to it without passing person trying to get in.


if i buy a kahr pm9 like i want, i can keep my keltec down stairs, and my M&P 9mm and my 870 in the bedroom

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I am sorry to hear this. 90% of the time it's someone you know, or someone who has been in the house before. From reading "ransacked" this might not be the case unless they wanted to stir things up just to make everyone look the other way.


Hope you have your serials. Everyone posting in here should make sure they have their numbers recorded somewhere and stored off-site or if you trust it, somewhere online. Pictures help too because insurance companies love to play hardball with firearms, even with a writer.

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Sad to hear man....Marion is a shit hole. Your parents should really think about relocating. Even up 95 to Mt. Gilead or something would be ALOT better than there


They dont live in Marion City. They live in the farthest corner of Marion County on other side of Caledonia. Literally 1 house away from being outside of Marion County. They have 5 neighbors in about a 2 mile radius. Also they have lived there for 28 years and never had a problem.


Like Cinergi said I think it was someone who knows my family. Luckily my dad kept all of his booklets so he also has his serial numbers for the missing guns.


I will be making something tonight and storing all my serial numbers for my guns. I will also be securing my house a little better.

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Crime grows 90% faster than the population. CCW license doesn't help you much at all in your home, you better know how to sweep a house. PROPERLY! If you're invaded, it's a desperate individual who doesn't care about their safety, let alone your own.


Yes, CCW is a start, but it is not the end-all to a home invasion. Training, training, practice, practice people!!

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Thieves are some of the most god damn worthless bastards alive. Hopefully some of the guns they took were still loaded and they accidentally kill themselves.


None were loaded they were just sentimental guns nothing expensive.


I am hoping they try and take the heart medication they took. That will get them a quick trip to the hospital.

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I feel your pain. I had my car broken into and it just completely changed everything. Had to sell my car and get something worse and it put me in the biggest bind for a good bit.


It sucks that you can work so hard to get things and it can be taken so easily by some fucking lazy ass thieves.

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WTF why is everyone talking about CCW? If they are in your home castle law bitches.


2 to the chest 1 to the head drop that throw away 25 in there hand and profit.


My old boss told me if anyone was in his house its shoot to kill. His reason? Its easier when there's only one side to the story. Also told me the first thing out of your mouth should always be "Officer I was scared for my life"

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My old boss told me if anyone was in his house its shoot to kill. His reason? Its easier when there's only one side to the story. Also told me the first thing out of your mouth should always be "Officer I was scared for my life"



100% accurate.


I thought he had a gun I was scared for my life.

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