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Love and Marriage


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I could agree with that. Today's sad divorce rates are exactly why I spent 6 years dating, living, etc with my girlfriend before we got married. I did NOT want to be another statistical divorcee. People are dumb and stupid, need to stop breeding. Unless they're pretty, then they make nice decorations.


Statistically you would are more likely to get a divorce having lived with your girlfriend before getting married. That would be ironic for you.


I got married three months ago after having been together over 6 years. My experience may be lacking, but I know we didn't get married for anything other than love. I don't have any complaints, we both know each other so well that there are no bad surprises. So far I'm enjoying the first year that everyone says is so hard, and I know she feels the same way.

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oh and i agree with the whole rushing into things. bitches be crazy, i've been in 2 relationships that within 6 months they want to get engaged/get married asap, and saying no isn't an option, lol. yet i've never been married...
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Honestly, yes I feel that true love exists. Part of me agrees with Chris in saying the only true unconditional love is between a parent and a child. I know if my future children mess up and do something stupid I will still love them and be able to forgive them. I do not know if I would be able to forgive my future wife is she were to cheat on me. Which is why I would agree that it is conditional. I would probably still love her; but dont think we would be able to stay together.


That said I do plan on getting married someday. I will take the good times with the bad. It's part of life.




You cannot marry all of the U of K mar c

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I have been married twice now. My first husband I married at 16, we where married 7 years. It fell apart because we had major issues and he would not go through counseling with me. All of the common interests we had when we first met changed over the years, we grew apart. I developed new hobbies and interests that he did not share and even hated because it took up time he thought I should have been spending doing other things. The few times we did try to do things together we usually argued over something stupid and it ruined the day. We got married for the wrong reasons, and stayed together as long as we did for the wrong reasons (child). If we would have went through counseling, I have no doubts we would have been able to work out some of our issues and live a some what happy life together. It just takes both people in the relationship to want to work at it, and I believe it takes loving the person you are with to make you want to work at it.
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I have been married twice now. My first husband I married at 16, we where married 7 years. It fell apart because we had major issues and he would not go through counseling with me. All of the common interests we had when we first met changed over the years, we grew apart. I developed new hobbies and interests that he did not share and even hated because it took up time he thought I should have been spending doing other things. The few times we did try to do things together we usually argued over something stupid and it ruined the day. We got married for the wrong reasons, and stayed together as long as we did for the wrong reasons (child). If we would have went through counseling, I have no doubts we would have been able to work out some of our issues and live a some what happy life together. It just takes both people in the relationship to want to work at it, and I believe it takes loving the person you are with to make you want to work at it.


And then you got shafted and ended up with Anthony... :eek: !


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I am a huge believer in living with someone before marrying them. You learn alot from someone by just living with them.


Lots of people say that, but like I said earlier statistics show that people who do that are more likely to get divorced.

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I am a huge believer in living with someone before marrying them. You learn alot from someone by just living with them.


This is what I did technically with my wife. I agree you need to live with someone to fully understand how they act.

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i'm a true believer in love. I always told myself i'd never get married i think more because i'm scared. From seeing family and friends marriages and how they turned for the worse once they got married always made me think that i can just be happy without that title. So i agree with you, you can be happy just together just got to remember the 2 C's... communication and compromise. Edited by SuBieQT
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Just a theory but I would guess because the whole marraige thing is fresh and new, moving in together for the first time adds to that newness.. you go into the house together as happy husband/wife, leaving your old habits behind - whereas already living together, you've grown comfortable leaving pop cans sitting around and shit so there's no change except a ring on the finger.


Maybe but some people have certain habits for life. Doesn't matter if you move or even buy a house together right after being married, some things never change.


If I was your man I would fart under the covers and make you smell it. That is just how I roll.







no homo

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Lots of people say that, but like I said earlier statistics show that people who do that are more likely to get divorced.

any idea why? that seems backasswards

I would have to look it up assuming I still have the book. I don't remember the reasoning off the top of my head.


Why do people who DON'T live together before hand get divorced less? That's simple. Ask yourself what kind of person DOESN'T move in until they get married. The answer is your super conservative, heavily religious person. The same type of person who values a marriage and believes bad things will happen if they abandon thier vow they made before God.

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Two of my exes from the past 6 months just got married.


One got married 2 weeks after she told me she wanted to fuck me. The other 3 months after she told me she "loved" me.


Ones 19, the others 23.


Marriage = teh gay


Love = overrated


I wanna see pics of these women.

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Two of my exes from the past 6 months just got married.


One got married 2 weeks after she told me she wanted to fuck me. The other 3 months after she told me she "loved" me.


Ones 19, the others 23.


Marriage = teh gay


Love = overrated

Get burnt out on women's bullshit and that'll cause your kind of views.

Why do people who DON'T live together before hand get divorced less? That's simple. Ask yourself what kind of person DOESN'T move in until they get married. The answer is your super conservative, heavily religious person. The same type of person who values a marriage and believes bad things will happen if they abandon thier vow they made before God.


An excellent point, I never looked at it like that.

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