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Middle of the day knocking/shady activity + Home security system reccomendation


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sorry i just came over i wanted a a hug from you but you wernt home :(


lol suprised no ones made a joke yet. but all joking aside glad everythings good an nothign happen. kinda makes you think how many times this has happen when you guys wernt home....

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I have a gun, I'm not afraid to use it... if I'm home. My wife won't touch a gun.


We're also going to get a dog, but not right at the moment. It's in the plans for next year.


Brinks here....or whoever owns them now. Excellent system with very fast response. Get a cell back up. Have your wife call my wife.....she'll get her into guns. My wife is the one who got me into them :cool:


Two good size muscle bound dogs with a deep bark helps too :D


I completely relate to your post and have been through this several times in the past few years. We always call.

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Wow!We just a had a house broke into in our neighborhood.One of the neighbors seen them and called the Cops.A black male and 2 white subjects in a Buick.They knocked on the front door and when no one answered walked around the back and kicked in the door.Walked right out in broad daylight with a Big screen TV.We have a dog and ADT.I'd love to catch some one like that in the act!Nothing makes me more mad than low lifes stealing from hard working people!
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FACT. Home invasions are SKY ROCKETING everywhere in the area.

FACT. Most of the leads we have gotten have come back to YOUNGER PEOPLE from 16-21 range.

FACT. Most of these have been done during daylight hours.


People... my advice is if you see something funny, if you see something that does not fit your area CALL THE POLICE with a good description!!!! At least get us a plate number we can use. If your TVs are in view of the public while your door is open, or can be seen from a window in your home you should consider moving it honestly. Almost every single smash and grab weve had has been TVs and video game systems. Im willing to bet that lots of them end up on craigslist as well.

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Yep, a Sentry Gun





But on a serious note, try ADT. My mother has it for her place in dublin and they always alert me if even the slightest thing is wrong. My mom had the maint. people come in once unannounced while she was at work and they had her and me both on the phone within 10 seconds of the door opening apparently with cops there in 3. Very good service I think. I like the monitoring while I'm away and their ability to contact you whenever.



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lol. and people gave me shit when i made mention of a black guy knocking on my door at 1:30am.


no swat, no care.


And im pretty sure i have a guy that can hook you up, like 25 bucks a month. I will get the number when i go into work later tonight.

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Thanks for various kind words and suggestions. Honestly, I think I'm a little more freaked out than my wife was. Now that we've done a lot of talking about it she's pretty much on the same freaked out level I am. Maybe it's just because I do so much risk assessment in IT, but I'm out to mitigate as much future risk as I can now.


Through the conversations with both our local officer (that responded to our call), and a conversation with our precinct community liaison today they have echoed much of what has been said here. Talk to your neighbors. Make sure you're all keeping an eye on what's going on, get good descriptions/info on suspicious people and call the police even if you feel foolish - they will take you seriously! Don't put expensive stuff in view, don't put boxes for expensive items (TV's etc) out on trash day. If you have an alarm system, use it.


Also just as John said, it's happening everywhere. Our precinct runs all the way through Upper Arlington and Hilliard and he said it's just as hot there as it is here, he actually had just gotten off the phone with UAPD about the same type of activity. Also said it's usually Tuesday-Thursday 10A-2P when the break-in's occur, but the canvasing (shopping) can happen at all times.


As far as the security system goes, we actually have a friend of the family - the owner of local Executive Security Consultants. My grandmother has had them for 15+ years, they've been in business for 22, and the owner Doug took time out of his day today to come by and quote a system for me - two hours after I called him. $300 for a completely wired perimeter system and motion detector, I'm adding a couple extra sensors (glass break, etc.), and the first year of monitoring is free - $25/mo after. That is an acceptable expense for a little piece of mind.

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i think a security system is a good deterrent, but you said yourself you are most concerned about when your wife is home alone. IMO she should really learn the safe operation of a firearm.


if someone breaks in, yes the security system will call the cops, but she is pretty much on her own for the 7 minutes or whatever it takes the cops to actually get there.

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lol. and people gave me shit when i made mention of a black guy knocking on my door at 1:30am.


You cant IP ban anyone.


A nice size dog does wonders. You should see the looks on peoples faces when I crack the door and my oversized baby of a dog is acting all protective :lol: Add in ADT and firearm training and you'll be good to go. Like stated above the firearm training could save her life some day. If she was comfortable with a gun you both would be more comfortable with her handling that type of situation.

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Are people Fucking nuts nowadays or what?? I mean come one, this is ridiculous...


We had a guy go ape shit on us in upper arlington the other day b/c he was walking his dog w/o a leash in the street at 10 o'clock at night wearing all black. And he apparently thought I was too close to him, even though I couldn't see him until he was into my head light area. Started cussing and carrying on like I had almost side swiped him or something....and he was like 50+ years old.


People are nuts and I am convinced that "normal" people with common sense are becoming extinct.

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We've discussed the pros/cons of a security system, escalating our time frame for a dog, gun training, etc. She is absolutely against using a gun, she knows herself and no amount of comfort or training would allow her to fire on someone - it's just not her personality. I'm comfortable with that. I would rather she not wield a gun if she's not willing to use it to the fullest extent. A gun will turn any situation critical, and my biggest fear for anyone is a relatively benign burglary could be massively escalated if the gun is taken from a frightened homeowner and turned against them. A petty thug will turn into a murderer quickly in that environment. We're discussing other active options for her like a mil-spec pepper spray.


We decided to go ahead with the security system because even though it doesn't instantly have someone there, it's still a very active deterrent. If you're there to do bad things and it goes off, you're not going to stick around to see how far away the cops really are. However if we're home and it's set off *I* get instant notification. It won't protect against the more dire circumstances obviously, but that's not the idea behind it. A security system mitigates 90% of average risk, that's better than our current 0%. Add a dog later, and an armed and capable husband (me) and you're mitigating 98%. Risk mitigation boils down to a decision of acceptable risk versus perceptible risk versus dollars. You could spend a million dollars covering 99.99999% or a couple thousand covering 98%, quite a disparity.


In this situation I think the most powerful thing I've done and we could do is to talk to our neighbors. I went to everyone around me this weekend and discussed the situation, relayed concerns and suggestions from the officers (and even a few from here :) ), and exchanged phone numbers. Last night, we all had front and rear lights on - the street and our yards were bright. That's a pretty intimidating sight I think. I don't think they'll do it forever obviously, complacency will take hold, but for now if the bad guys come back at night to have a look they'll see a change, lots of light, and maybe move on.

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