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gas mileage ?


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i have a 1993 grand prix with the 3.1 V6 that im pretty sure is getting horrible gas mileage. I just looked up the specs and these cars we rated at 19/30, but i would honestly be suprised if im getting much better than 10. Im going to put new plugs in it and possibly wires, but what else should i try? The car does have 240k miles on it, could that be some of the problem?
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gas gauges read liek shit


my srt goes from full to a half in liek 75 miles then the "bottom" half goes another 175-200... same as my mustang

but my expedition is direct opposite stays in the higher part then drops like a brick


dont reley on the gas gauge calculate your true mpg an go from there you lazy turd

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oMG i agree with paul. DO NOT watch your gas gauge, they are never accurate. CALCULATE your miles. If you don't want to do the whole tank. Fill it up until the pump stops automatically. Dry 50+ miles, then top it off the same way again. This won't be as accurate as an entire tank of gas, but will be much more accurate than watching a 20 year old gauge.
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oMG i agree with paul. DO NOT watch your gas gauge, they are never accurate. CALCULATE your miles. If you don't want to do the whole tank. Fill it up until the pump stops automatically. Dry 50+ miles, then top it off the same way again. This won't be as accurate as an entire tank of gas, but will be much more accurate than watching a 20 year old gauge.


true i guess lol. Come to think of it, i never really have run this thing out of gas, so i dont know how fast it drops when it gets towards the bottom of the gauge lol. Although i think i am going to put new plugs in it anyway, i pulled the front 3 out and they all looked ancient and nasty.

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if you have a scanner check the coolant temp sensor reading when the car is at operating tempature the computer will accept -40 to +400 as acceptable and if it goes bad and stays low the computer leaves it in cold start enrichment all the time so the fuel economy suffers and you get no check engine light becuase the sensor range is so wide open
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Some tune up stuff sure won't hurt if its pretty old, but I'd check the actual MPGs.


yea, thats what i kinda figured to. ive swapped 3 plugs so far and they do look pretty bad. although im thinking paul was right, i havent hit a half tank yet, and im over 100 miles now.

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if you have a scanner check the coolant temp sensor reading when the car is at operating tempature the computer will accept -40 to +400 as acceptable and if it goes bad and stays low the computer leaves it in cold start enrichment all the time so the fuel economy suffers and you get no check engine light becuase the sensor range is so wide open


ill have to do that, i know my dad has one at his shop.

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