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Evo and STi Pricing and Questions

Guest Hal

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The Mercedes I got isn't really growing on me right so I'm thinking I might trade it in and get either an Evo or an STI. What kind of price should I be looking for with around 75k on the clock? Why should I get the STi instead of the Evo, and vice versa? What common problems should I look for at that mileage?


Model year isn't really an issue. I'm not looking for anything really nice, just a daily I will like better.

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They both drive similar for a daily Hal, I think the STi is a little softer ride. Evo is easier to mod to make more power. My advice is drive both buy what YOU like. If you want to mod at all go EVO, you will thank yourself later. If you want a softer ride, nicer interior go STi. Again though drive both, you may not like the ride of either. My STi is getting annoying as I get older. It's not soft by any means.


If you are interested, you can drive mine as long as you drive it with common sense.

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They both drive similar for a daily Hal, I think the STi is a little softer ride. Evo is easier to mod to make more power. My advice is drive both buy what YOU like. If you want to mod at all go EVO, you will thank yourself later. If you want a softer ride, nicer interior go STi. Again though drive both, you may not like the ride of either. My STi is getting annoying as I get older. It's not soft by any means.


I won't be modding anything further than intake/exhaust/BOV. I would just like to have a nice fun AWD car. Ride isn't too big of a deal, the Cobra rides like it doesn't have any suspension. I guess you could say I'm used to it.

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They both drive similar for a daily Hal, I think the STi is a little softer ride. Evo is easier to mod to make more power. My advice is drive both buy what YOU like. If you want to mod at all go EVO, you will thank yourself later. If you want a softer ride, nicer interior go STi. Again though drive both, you may not like the ride of either. My STi is getting annoying as I get older. It's not soft by any means.


If you are interested, you can drive mine as long as you drive it with common sense.


6krpm, drop the clutch!

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Yes they are very similar to an STi.


The Legacy GT Spec.B is the one with the 6-speed. It doesn't have DCCD, but it's still nearly as bulletproof.


I went with the STI for a few reasons.


1. I think it looks better than the Evo 8 or 9. (The 10 is dead sexy though) If I'm going to own a car for a long time, I better not cringe when I look at it.


2. The extra .5L in the engine makes it much nicer to drive around town. The added grunt is nice in the mid range too. Since I'm not planning to do much power modding, the added torque to start with is a big plus.


3. Subaru has a much greater track record when it comes to reliability and safety. Not only can I depend on it lasting for a LONG time to come, but I can trust it not to kill me in the event of a side impact (God forbid.)


I admit that the seats suck though. You'll want to replace them with the Evo seats or aftermarket ones.


An increased bonus is the community. The STI has a much more mature community than the Evo for some reason. I'm not sure why since both (at the time) were out of the price range of the general run-of-the-mill douchebag. But IWSTI.com is a much more mature and productive community than EvolutionM.net *shrug* Plus, the local Suby community is really cool too.


After owning Subarus for a while and working on them, I've come to appreciate their honest simplicity (which has fled some in recent models unfortunately.) The design philosophy is sound, using a longitudinal engine and a symmetrical driveline. Ultimately, it's more normal and easier to work on and learn than most other AWD drivetrains. Engine > Trans > Driveshaft > Diff > Axles. There's just two more axles in the front.


Granted, I'd love to drive an Evo X "in anger." I'm sure it's a brilliant car. But there's just something more visceral and primal to the STI. Sword vs Axe. Both do the same job, one's just a bit more straightforward about the job. ;)

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Sucks Hal.

You should have got one with more horsepowers. ;)


I wish it were as simple as no horsepowers, I just don't really like driving the car. It was fine the first week, now I take my Envoy whenever wifey isn't driving.

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Just noticed your other thread.


05+ is where you want to look.


04s have WRX suspension and rims. 05+ moved to different knuckles to accommodate better bearings. So the struts and lug pattern are different. You'll have more rim choice with an 05+ and the rear fenders come rolled from the factory for better tire width choice.


05 still had the "blob-eye" styling which some prefer.


06 changed to the "hawk-eye" styling which is also referred to as the "pig-nose." Personally, it really grew on me, and now I prefer it. But some can't get over the ex-alpha look. 06 also went from a 35F/65R torque split to 41F/59R.


07 has had a few ringland issues. But most have been traced to either improper modding, or the stock tune. Get a tune and you'll be fine. ALso, 07 got longer 2-4 gears to make it a big more daily-friendly (and also improved it's 1/4mi time by putting the 3-4 shift right at the line.)


05/06 are considered the sweet-spot. It just comes down to styling preference.

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For a DD it's hard to recommend either of the cars. It's going to be pretty much based off personal preference. Drive both Hal for at least a couple days, and get a feel for the car. I owned an 06 WRX back in the day and loved every bit of it. It took the basic exhaust, intake, tune, and bov very well. I have been also thinking of getting a new daily. I think I may sway more towards the Evo myself. Basically because I love the seats (got them in the cobra) and I love how the car handles and comes on to power. I drove a friends that had just a tune, exhaust, intake, bov, boost controller, and it just handled power it seems better. Plus if something breaks on the EVO your looking at spending alot less than you would on a Subaru. The concept of the 4G63 has just been around alot longer and the parts are easier to come by. It's ideally the same concept has a Fox Body, parts are just there for it. I am going to continue reading through this thread I'd like to see what you decide on and why. Hope my opinion helps a bit.
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The Legacy GT Spec.B is the one with the 6-speed. It doesn't have DCCD, but it's still nearly as bulletproof.


I went with the STI for a few reasons.


1. I think it looks better than the Evo 8 or 9. (The 10 is dead sexy though) If I'm going to own a car for a long time, I better not cringe when I look at it.


2. The extra .5L in the engine makes it much nicer to drive around town. The added grunt is nice in the mid range too. Since I'm not planning to do much power modding, the added torque to start with is a big plus.


3. Subaru has a much greater track record when it comes to reliability and safety. Not only can I depend on it lasting for a LONG time to come, but I can trust it not to kill me in the event of a side impact (God forbid.)


I admit that the seats suck though. You'll want to replace them with the Evo seats or aftermarket ones.


An increased bonus is the community. The STI has a much more mature community than the Evo for some reason. I'm not sure why since both (at the time) were out of the price range of the general run-of-the-mill douchebag. But IWSTI.com is a much more mature and productive community than EvolutionM.net *shrug* Plus, the local Suby community is really cool too.


After owning Subarus for a while and working on them, I've come to appreciate their honest simplicity (which has fled some in recent models unfortunately.) The design philosophy is sound, using a longitudinal engine and a symmetrical driveline. Ultimately, it's more normal and easier to work on and learn than most other AWD drivetrains. Engine > Trans > Driveshaft > Diff > Axles. There's just two more axles in the front.


Granted, I'd love to drive an Evo X "in anger." I'm sure it's a brilliant car. But there's just something more visceral and primal to the STI. Sword vs Axe. Both do the same job, one's just a bit more straightforward about the job. ;)


Just noticed your other thread.


05+ is where you want to look.


04s have WRX suspension and rims. 05+ moved to different knuckles to accommodate better bearings. So the struts and lug pattern are different. You'll have more rim choice with an 05+ and the rear fenders come rolled from the factory for better tire width choice.


05 still had the "blob-eye" styling which some prefer.


06 changed to the "hawk-eye" styling which is also referred to as the "pig-nose." Personally, it really grew on me, and now I prefer it. But some can't get over the ex-alpha look. 06 also went from a 35F/65R torque split to 41F/59R.


07 has had a few ringland issues. But most have been traced to either improper modding, or the stock tune. Get a tune and you'll be fine. ALso, 07 got longer 2-4 gears to make it a big more daily-friendly (and also improved it's 1/4mi time by putting the 3-4 shift right at the line.)


05/06 are considered the sweet-spot. It just comes down to styling preference.


i liked my 08. For what my opinion is worth (not much) i would go with an 05 STi, they seem to be the least problematic and i like the blobeye look. The STi community is much better. Less dumb people in it.


I cant say anything more than what these two have said.

I agree that the 05s are the sweet spot.

We just bought myself an 05 OBXT, and I Thorne did the same for his wife, not to mention My Hubby has an 05 LGT.. It was just a good year for subaru IMHO.


I dont know anything about evos, so ic ant comment on them much, but what I DO know is, not materr what.. they are still a mitsubishi. The company is unstable, and i wouldnt buy a acar that i feard within 5 years of them collapsing in on themselves... but thats just my opionion..


oh and i have seen way more mitsu fires than subarus... lol..

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Yeah, I have to join the rest of the crowd here and say Subaru. I am partial to it for most of the same reasons, esp reliability and safety. One WRX already saved my life because of a foolish driver.


If I had to a choice between the Legacy GT and the STI, I would probably pick the Legacy as mentioned before it is a little less of a kidney/back beater. If you're not going to mod the car beyond what you have already stated, you've got an excellent platform to begin with.


I plan on picking up an STI or Legacy GT in the future, but for now my WRX works for me--I don't have a car payment and the insurance is lower. I do have an 05 tranny in my 03, so I don't have many problems to worry about.

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