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Best deal on Xbox 360 right now?

2 Sweet

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It's all a moot point now anyway since I bought my roommate's 360. I want to get MW2 because the online is sweet, but the first game I get will be Forza 3. I played UFC for 5 hours last night and it's awesome. Madden 10 is great also, but I need to get Live so I can get the roster update.


Pure is actually a lot of fun. It's an ATV racing game.


And why would you buy a refurbed 360 for $200 when you can get a brand new one for $250?


Really? Nice to know, I hadn't heard of Pure, I just assumed it sucked lol.


And yes, that's a good point, after thinking about it for a minute it would be stupid to get the refurb when a brand new system can be had for $50 more.

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First Person Shooters that are multiplayer are lame with a controller. You need PC versions of the game for a better experience. You won't find Forza 3 used anywhere it is too new. It is worth the $60 go buy it new. I did 2 days ago fuck it. $60 isn't that much money.
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COD isn't about single player. It's about running around on multiplayer getting raped by 12-year-olds with 1887's and heartbeat sensors then screaming obscenities at your television. This is the definition of bliss.


1887s and heartbeat sensors ruin that game, along with probably the worst spawn points out of any online first persons shooter I've ever played.


Besides that, epic game.

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