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Seriously, fuck global warming

Science Abuse

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Fox says its fake, so its fake. Rush says he's know for 20 years that its fake and since he wasn't popping oxy back then I believe him. You prius driving bleeding heart liberal hippies need to stop focusing on the pollutions and yer carbon credits and worry more about the damn Mexicans and the homo's(in that order)!!!!!!!
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Fox says its fake, so its fake. Rush says he's know for 20 years that its fake and since he wasn't popping oxy back then I believe him. You prius driving bleeding heart liberal hippies need to stop focusing on the pollutions and yer carbon credits and worry more about the damn Mexicans and the homo's(in that order)!!!!!!!


Uneducated clueless brainwashed Limbaugh listening Bud drinking Nascar fan. I LOVE ME SOME GUNS.


Hey L@@K I can throw around stereotypes all day.

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If the sun's radiation fluctuates by as much as eight percent over the span of a few decades, global-warming scientists can suck it. There would be absolutely NO WAY we can change the climate meaningfully.


Now...I will agree that we cannot depend on oil to continue powering our world economies. That is the most important reason to start developing and using alternative energy sources (wind, solar, nuclear, biofuel, etc)...NOT to try to make a dent in "global warming"!

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Uneducated clueless brainwashed Limbaugh listening Bud drinking Nascar fan. I LOVE ME SOME GUNS.


Hey L@@K I can throw around stereotypes all day.


LOLz. I originally typed something about the muslim in office taking away all our gd gun's!!!!!! ,but I removed it. Too funny. I swear the next time the blue dogs take the white house i'm going into arms dealing and i'm gonna clean house with everyone who rush's to buy that shish everytime they take office. Do what you want with the country but DONT TAKE MY GUNZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If the sun's radiation fluctuates by as much as eight percent over the span of a few decades, global-warming scientists can suck it. There would be absolutely NO WAY we can change the climate meaningfully.

This is an example of political folk trying to get involved when they really don’t understand the science. Breitbart published this stuff either without reading it, or without understanding it. I guess they figure people don’t read past the title, because the article does nothing to dispel the link between temps and glacier melt. It seems like it does, from the title, but it corrects that assumption twice in its text:

"However, the ETHZ scientists said they also found that "temperature-based opposing mechanisms" came into play about 30 years ago and have been sustained."


"This should not lead people to conclude that the current period of global warming is not really as big of a problem for the glaciers as previously assumed,"

The article really does a crappy job of killing the link between temps and glacial melt. In point of fact, the world gets warmer with more powerful sunlight. If there are increases in solar radiation, the temps will respond accordingly.


Secondly, though the theory is sound, it doesn't apply to the most current problem. Solar activity has been dropping during the last ten years, while temps have been rising.


Lastly; white snow and ice, as mentioned above, reflects 90+% of the solar heat energy that beats down on it. The sun itself has a very hard time melting this stuff on its own.

Now, add in the afore mentioned soil dust from our Dustbowl*, and those from china, Africa, and Australia. Now the sun has soemthing to heat on the surface of the ice, and that will accelerate the melt regardless of temperature.


*One dust storm from the great plains dumped 12 million tons on Chigago. It's estimated that our Dustbowl sent over 300 million tons of soil into the air, and China's is worse.

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If the sun's radiation fluctuates by as much as eight percent over the span of a few decades, global-warming scientists can suck it. There would be absolutely NO WAY we can change the climate meaningfully.


I believe this is Eric's case in point. We're all busy debating points which nearly none of us are qualified to argue such as the merits of the sun's radiation versus time versus climate while real, actual human companies are dumping absolutely terrifying amounts of vile and terrible chemicals into our earth because it's cheaper than cleaning and recycling it.

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I believe this is Eric's case in point. We're all busy debating points which nearly none of us are qualified to argue such as the merits of the sun's radiation versus time versus climate while real, actual human companies are dumping absolutely terrifying amounts of vile and terrible chemicals into our earth because it's cheaper than cleaning and recycling it.


This is what I got out of it. :)

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LOLz. I originally typed something about the muslim in office taking away all our gd gun's!!!!!! ,but I removed it. Too funny. I swear the next time the blue dogs take the white house i'm going into arms dealing and i'm gonna clean house with everyone who rush's to buy that shish everytime they take office. Do what you want with the country but DONT TAKE MY GUNZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That takes too long to make money. Let me tell you a better way. Wait until microsoft or sony releases another brand new video game console. Go to some game stores and reserve about 5 of them before they are released. Gamestop usually want $50 down on each system. The day they are released go buy all of them and put them on craigslist or EBAY ASAP. They usually release around Christmas time and sell out very quickly so it works in your favor. I've bought a ps2 before when I worked at Gamestop for $300 and sold it on craigslist the next day for $500.


If you have a lot of systems your profit keeps going up. If someone flames you for ripping them off tell them you are charging for your time and effort acquiring them. Take it or leave it but I bet your daughter/son's face on Christmas morning is worth it.


Keep hustling and stop hating on the president. It makes you look like a douche when you bash a president. It will work out in the end :cool:

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LOLz. I originally typed something about the muslim in office taking away all our gd gun's!!!!!! ,but I removed it. Too funny. I swear the next time the blue dogs take the white house i'm going into arms dealing and i'm gonna clean house with everyone who rush's to buy that shish everytime they take office. Do what you want with the country but DONT TAKE MY GUNZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Funny Irony: Obama has done more to help the firearms industry than any Republican.

-Obama's stance on gun control laws since he took office has been; "too busy, don't give a shit". you actually have as many (if not more) gun rightsnow than you did 4/8 years ago.

-All the dipshits making a run on gguns back in january boosted sales by, to use industry terms, "a fuckin shitload".


It'd be hilarious if he did this all on purpose:

-January 2009 Obama; "Hey guys, I'm going to tighten gun laws, ha!"

-January gun lovers that diss him; "Shit! empty the saving account, buy what you can, charge up those credit cards!"




Nothing happens.


-2010 Obama: "Suckas, you got owned."

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-Cap and trade to create energy cost increases as high as 75%? You know where that number came from? The above mentioned fella's with the guns to your head, and you've got Stockholm Syndrome. They are threatening you with that to keep you from messing with their bonuses. These people need to clean their shit up, and it needs to eat into their massive profits. If you see energy increases of 75% anywhere, I guarantee you there will be riots.


Do you have any idea how manufacturing works? Job growth is crap because all business owners have their asshole clinched tight in the wake of the recession that your boys did everything they could to put off until after the election. The administration took measures to ensure those asshats didn't go under, but now that many are leveling out and posting a few profits, they're STILL not hiring. Why? Because they're making money in their current state and they're not going to change that.

All a president can do is ask them "please to start hiring peeplez?".


Question: If you were a small business, would you hire ANYONE in an environment where people are stingy with their money? Hell no, you need demand before you can produce supply. News flash, there are mechanisms within the health care legislation the help small buisness owners cover their few employees. What you've bought into, again, is the BS from the guys with the guns to your head. "Do anything to mess with our profits, and I'll shoot the bunny in the head." Small buisness owners aren't leading the charge with your argument, Wal Mart is. Large companies with thousands of employees that can afford to treat them decent. Things are top heavy, its Pareto distribution (though worse then he had envisioned), and that is a major problem that gets people called "commie".

Fact: Conservatives are always pining about the good 'ol boom days of the 50s when things were great "cuz Christians were in charge."

Fact: Back in those days, the Factory Worker, Bank Manager, Buisness owner all lived on the same block, because they all made about the same amount of money. Back in the "good ol days", upper management positions made much much less.


I don't picket Burger King because people choose to put that shit in their bodies. When discussing "environmental issues", we're talking about the stuff that surrounds us on a daily basis... you know, our environment.


You are eloquent, I will give you that. I would venture to say no one loves Eric more than Eric.


It's very simple, not one progressive fiscal idea over the last 50 years has done anything but but cause trillions of dollars worth of unfunded liabilities. If you can think of one, I would gladly listen.


Medicare, SSI, war on poverty, THE AMERICAN REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009....all great ideas in theory but complete failures financially. Healthcare isnt a right and should not be legislated. Read your constitution, its not there. "YOUR BOYS" have completely lost sight of the goal of this legislation. The orginal goal was to lower costs and the current bill fails miserably.


Cap and trade is a joke. Until China or India jump on board (Even if I was for it) why even bother?


It still kills me how almost a year into this administration, your talking points still blame Bush. Did Bush quadruple the deficit in 9 months? Did Bush say unemployment wouldnt go above 8% after a failed TRILLION dollar "stimulus" bill was passed? Oh yeah, the recession was much worse than we thought, right? Well obviously, Joe Biden knew what was coming during the campaign when he called this the worst financial situation since the Great Depression! I guess no one in the admin listened to ole Joe.


The more "your boys' keep blaming Bush, the more someones approval ratings dive. Funny how that works.

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Funny Irony: Obama has done more to help the firearms industry than any Republican.

-Obama's stance on gun control laws since he took office has been; "too busy, don't give a shit". you actually have as many (if not more) gun rightsnow than you did 4/8 years ago.

-All the dipshits making a run on gguns back in january boosted sales by, to use industry terms, "a fuckin shitload".


It'd be hilarious if he did this all on purpose:

-January 2009 Obama; "Hey guys, I'm going to tighten gun laws, ha!"

-January gun lovers that diss him; "Shit! empty the saving account, buy what you can, charge up those credit cards!"




Nothing happens.


-2010 Obama: "Suckas, you got owned."


I see you get my point. I think its hillarious all the guys on here that got all red assed over a dem taking office and how he was gonna take their guns!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far the joke has been on them.


Trowa I wasnt hating on the prez. I was picking fun. I cant fucking stand rush.

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You are eloquent, I will give you that. I would venture to say no one loves Eric more than Eric.


I'm not eloquent. I have a point that I'm trying to make and I use English to do it. If you think this is eloquent, you need to read more. lol

Secondly, no one is more critical of Eric than Eric. ;)


I challenge you to name a "progressive fiscal idea" that ever manifested itself into actual practice. You're not going to find one, because the Conservatives have dominated that arena. Rightly so, for a while they were the most qualified to make such decisions. But they're kinky sex with the military industrial complex over the last 30 years has made them just as bloated as the libs. The "Conservative" fiscal pratices that have been in place since Reagan have gotten us right where we are now. "Things were awesome under Reagan"; not really, but what little boon you saw there, you are paying for now because he sold the future to make himself look good. You complain about a healthcare bills cost as if it were a bulk payment, though it will be spread over a period of 12 years. The cost will be nothing compared to the annual blank checks you wrote for a hastily conceived and horribly executed Iraqi war that got us exactly jack squat.


My "talking points" in this discussion didn't get anywhere near Bush until you started pointing fingers regarding the recession. This is not a secret, the men have admitted to it: It was coming down the pipes and they did everything they could to stall it until the next administration took office, and postponing it made it worse. I'm not pointing fingers, the guy already raised his hand and said "yep, we did that". I also find it funny that you expect a recession that's been in the making for a decade to be corrected in less than a year.


Lastly, you challenge the efficacy of programs that have either just been implemented, or haven't even been approved yet. Healthcare IS a right and it shouldn't be left to people who make such a mad-ass profit off of it. Profit-driven medicine is a despicable bi-product of capitalism. Capitalism is great for general Goods and Services, but has no place in the administration of of care to those who need it. I am very familiar with healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Not just the BS that talking heads like to bring up. I'm talking about the functional details of how shit works (or rather, how shit doesn't work), straight from the mouths of people who live it every day. I've personally worked extensively in in the manufacturing sector and know what drives business decisions.


I take the time to ask people who know, I never trust a politician or pundit to tell me how it is. With one exception, I've never listened to an Obama speech, and I have no intention of ever trying.


Rob: Jesus and me are boyz, though he was more of a socialist than I am. Funny how people forget that. ;)

Edited by Science Abuse
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Working in the industry, allow me to say that even if our energy prices went up by 75% all at once (Which the PUCO will NOT allow to happen) we would still be paying somewhere around 10% less than we were last year. The energy market is CRUSHED right now. If it weren't, I wouldn't be making nearly as much as I am.
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1200 limos

140 private Jets

5 electric cars



And this being Scandinavia, even the prostitutes are doing their bit for the planet. Outraged by a council postcard urging delegates to "be sustainable, don't buy sex." The local sex workers' union – they have unions here – has announced that all its 1,400 members will give free intercourse to anyone with a climate conference delegate's pass. The term "carbon dating" just took on an entirely new meaning.

Well shit, now I want to go.

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Not melting ice, but rather melting babies faces (exageration):



Of 20 children known to have been born in Kettleman City between September 2007 and November 2008, five had a cleft in their palate or lips, according to a health survey by activists. Three of those children have since died.

Statewide, clefts of the lip or palate routinely occur in fewer than one in 800 births, according to California health statistics.

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  • 2 months later...

Eric, I really think this guy is right.



Then you can watch this:



I look for temps to drop and people in 15 years to talk about "Ice Age" again.


In all serious, The oceans and the Sun and Volcanic activity have to have more influence on temp than we do with a trace gas. Our past is cyclical, why wouldn't the future continue to do so?

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Fact is, agriculture is likely our greatest contribution to climate change, if we even have a measurable one. Try to tell the hippy vegitarians that and they'll bitch about your C02 footprint. How about your "level the forests to plant food for 6 billion people" footprint?
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