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WEC Fight In Columbus!


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It is a branch of the UFC and they have all the best 155 and below fighers around.


Speaking of 155lbers, did anyone else thoroughly enjoy watching BJ Penn absolutely toy with that faggot, Diego Sanchez?


I loved that fight. Was hoping Sanchez would get his ass knocked out, but I'll settle for the 4" gash on his forehead.

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Speaking of 155lbers, did anyone else thoroughly enjoy watching BJ Penn absolutely toy with that faggot, Diego Sanchez?


I loved that fight. Was hoping Sanchez would get his ass knocked out, but I'll settle for the 4" gash on his forehead.


Yes but that was not a fight, it was a timed animal attack. Dirty Sanchez is just to dumb to get knocked out. If he said YYYEESSSS one more time I think joe rogan would have beat his ass with the mic.

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