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This thread is full of fail, except this:

This thread IS full of fail.


To remedy this situation I have banned LJ from this thread. His posts were repetitive, unnecessarily aggressive, and were giving me a headache.


As far as I'm concerned, if what it went down exactly the way you described, I wouldn't have settled for any less than the refund -15%. I would have grabbed the manager and the sales person that told you about the 1 week return period and cornered them both. They promised you a return (which does NOT read as store credit). It is their responsibility to honor that promise. THAT is good customer service, and THAT is what is wrong with retail these days.


But the root of the problem is this: Your sister-in-law. I agree with what was posted above. Someone take her to some beginner shooting lessons and let her do some plinking with a .22 She'll change her mind. Getting her there however... that's the hard part.

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This thread IS full of fail.


To remedy this situation I have banned LJ from this thread. His posts were repetitive, unnecessarily aggressive, and were giving me a headache.


As far as I'm concerned, if what it went down exactly the way you described, I wouldn't have settled for any less than the refund -15%. I would have grabbed the manager and the sales person that told you about the 1 week return period and cornered them both. They promised you a return (which does NOT read as store credit). It is their responsibility to honor that promise. THAT is good customer service, and THAT is what is wrong with retail these days.


But the root of the problem is this: Your sister-in-law. I agree with what was posted above. Someone take her to some beginner shooting lessons and let her do some plinking with a .22 She'll change her mind. Getting her there however... that's the hard part.



WOW this thread has gone to shit. I will say LJ made some very good points and i expected them from most people especially him, I value anyones opinion when i know they are more knowledgable on a topic than i am. But you have to remember this is a new customer's first experience with a company. Looking beyond all the bullshit sale receipts, my sister in law being a left wing radical, and refunds being put on gift cards... my real question was.... is this how this store operates simply because they KNOW they pretty much have a corner on the market? The answer, yes.


Regardless, its all moot now. Mike (my brother) did in fact put his foot down and kept the gun, hell they even went shooting together which i hear went well. Aside from the gun jamming alot the issue is done. Now i just have to figure out if Springfield has a lifetime warranty on their magazines and if so how to go about getting 2 new ones. Thanks for everyones input!

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I did not read Page 2 or 3 of this however....


You knowingly purchased a firearm to give to someone else? They knew this, and still followed through?


The last firearm I purchased, if you answered the question regarding "are you purchasing this firearm for yourself?" as a "no", you were declined.






Yes, i made it VERY clear to the salemen it was to be a gift to my brother.

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WOW this thread has gone to shit. I will say LJ made some very good points and i expected them from most people especially him, I value anyones opinion when i know they are more knowledgable on a topic than i am. But you have to remember this is a new customer's first experience with a company. Looking beyond all the bullshit sale receipts, my sister in law being a left wing radical, and refunds being put on gift cards... my real question was.... is this how this store operates simply because they KNOW they pretty much have a corner on the market? The answer, yes.


Regardless, its all moot now. Mike (my brother) did in fact put his foot down and kept the gun, hell they even went shooting together which i hear went well. Aside from the gun jamming alot the issue is done. Now i just have to figure out if Springfield has a lifetime warranty on their magazines and if so how to go about getting 2 new ones. Thanks for everyones input!


make sure he's (or she) is not limp wristing it. that may be why its jamming. a gun as popular as that will probably not have many issues (unless you got a friday gun, lol), and its probably user error.


when i went shooting with matt (beer30), his ruger kept jamming...i mean like probably 15 times in a few hundred rounds. i shot a few mags through it and it only jammed once. still too many, but it was probably more my fault than the guns.


A semi-automatic pistol fired with a limp wrist will either not fire at all, or if it does fire, it will not cycle for a second shot. In other words, you either have a weapon that will not fire, or you’ve got a jammed gun.


Oops. That can get your character killed.


In order to fire, semi-autos need a stable base. Wasn’t it Einstein who decreed, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction?”


Well, Einstein was right. If you were to suspend a pistol in the air and pull the trigger by string, the bullet would fly, but so would the gun… in the opposite direction. And the semi-auto would fail to cycle because the resistance it needs to move the slide back and eject and feed has been removed. That means a jam that can only be cleared by removing the magazine and racking the slide.


Limp wristing happens to the strongest people; indeed, it happens to everybody. Often when a character is moving or distracted or panicked, he’s more focused on his target and what he’s doing than on how he’s holding his gun. Maybe the protag or perp is leading a victim, or ducking and dodging. A momentary lapse, and the grip on the pistol loosens.


Many modern semi-auto pistols, such as high end 1911s or the new Springfield XD series, have wrist safeties, which will not permit the pistol to fire is being held with less than a firm grip. See the picture on the right. The short but distinct separation at the upper end of the grip under the beaver tail, is the grip safety. This safety arm must be depressed before the gun will fire. Look at the structure. The grip safety is at the top of the grip, meaning the upper part of the shooting hand is what depresses the safety. So a firm grip with the bottom part of the hand is irrelevant, at least relating to operation of the grip safety. With pistols containing this safety, limp wristing will mean a failure to fire.


On semi-autos without a grip safety, as for instance with Glock, HK or Sig Sauer Classic or Sig Pro pistols, a soft grip will fire the pistol but cause it to fail to eject, thereby jamming the gun and preventing a second or follow-on shot until the pistol is cleared.


but its good to hear your brothers nuts dropped and he kept it. i know if i did something like that for my brother and his girlfriend pussy whipped him into taking it back or not taking it at all, me and him would have to have a serious talk.

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make sure he's (or she) is not limp wristing it. that may be why its jamming. a gun as popular as that will probably not have many issues (unless you got a friday gun, lol), and its probably user error.


when i went shooting with matt (beer30), his ruger kept jamming...i mean like probably 15 times in a few hundred rounds. i shot a few mags through it and it only jammed once. still too many, but it was probably more my fault than the guns.




but its good to hear your brothers nuts dropped and he kept it. i know if i did something like that for my brother and his girlfriend pussy whipped him into taking it back or not taking it at all, me and him would have to have a serious talk.


Ive tried teaching him the basics of shooting but he wont really listen. He texted me "theres something wrong with the gun or the clip", i kinda roll my eyes but he tells me the guy at Blackwing took a look at it n said the gun was fine but the magazine might be faulty (which i HIGHLY doubt but what am i gonna say/do?). Im gonna try shooting it first before we do anything else.


Oh and i have a Glock 26, the first time i shot it with my ccw instructor it jammed, i freaked out thinking the round would explode in my hand (yeah i know), he told me to quite being a pussy and hold the gun. Hasnt jammed since.

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