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"One Second After"


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Just finished this book. For some reason I've been reading 'end of the world' novels lately and this was was rather scary in the fact that it could actually happen and even become a reality in our lifetime.


Book takes place in a small down in the North Carolina hills. Follows a former retired Army Colonel turned history professor and his family after an EMP attack on the continental United States. For those of you who dont know what an EMP is (really, who hasnt seen The Matrix?) it was first discovered as a by-product of nuclear explosions. Electromagnetic Pulses disrupt or destroy anything electrical within line-of-site of the explosion. However when an explosion takes place in the atmosphere its range multiply's signifigantly. In this case the explosion occured high in the atmosphere over the midwest (Ohio/Indiana/Wisconsin).


For all those people 'preparing' for the zombie apocolypse i highly recommend this book as its far more likely to actually occur. Its almost scary how real this situation is and how fragile our society is. Described in the book as a spider's web, one disruption in the web destroys it making you start all over again. Scary shit.


"One Second After"

by William R. Forstchen

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For all those people 'preparing' for the zombie apocolypse i highly recommend this book as its far more likely to actually occur.


Now hold it right there. You're saying a nuclear detonation in the atmosphere is "far more likely" than a zombie apocalypse? :bs:


I'm going to have to see a footnote, or at least a pie chart before I'm buying into any of that, mister. Just look at how many zombie movies there are versus the number of EMP movies. POINT PROVEN


I know your type: you read too many books. :gtfo:

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Are there guns?




available in audio book?


Ha, whats the point?


movie? ?


No, but it would make a really good movie. Think "I am Legend" just with more people.


I read this book as well. Pretty good book. I have found myself picking up and reading more and more, "The end of the world as we know it" books lately.


I just ordered "alas, babylon" and "wastelands" from Amazon. The latter is actually a collection of short stories from guys like Stephen King and Gene Wolfe but they're all around the premise of the end of the world etc... "alas, babylon" is apparently a pretty popular book for the genre. ive only read the first few pages but it seems ok.

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