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$95 for a Redlight Camera Ticket


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So.... apparently I ran a red light at Long and 4th street down town. Last I checked Yellow wasn't red. Anyone know a way to get it reduced or nixed altogether?


$95 is a bit steep for CPD to not even greet me at my window.:thumbdown


CPD ---> :nutkick: <--- Me

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usually there is a link on the ticket where you can watch the entire video of you going through the intersection. the camera will not go off unless you cross the stop bar at a good speed after the light has turned red. your speed has a lot to do with it. if go through very slowly, like 10 mph, the cam wont go off.


yellow means slow down and stop, not speed up and blast through the intersection as it turns red.

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usually there is a link on the ticket where you can watch the entire video of you going through the intersection. the camera will not go off unless you cross the stop bar at a good speed after the light has turned red. your speed has a lot to do with it. if go through very slowly, like 10 mph, the cam wont go off.


yellow means slow down and stop, not speed up and blast through the intersection as it turns red.


Thanks for clarifying what yellow means. I wasn't gonna hard brake 30-40 feet before the light at 35-40 mph on wet roads.


I haven't gone to see the video yet .

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the ones i've seen have 3 pictures;

1 at the beginning

1 in the middle

1 at the end

if you jam your brakes to stop and stop in the middle, the light goes off but you dont get a ticket...

These things have been up for 2yrs at 4th and long (where my NTB is)and all I do when we're slow is sit and watch people get busted while at work.


the 3 picture deal pretty much spots you guilty. I dont know if there is any debating to them

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I don't trust them either. I think there a bullshit scam by the city.


lol there is a video recording of the event at hand. watch teh video an bam youll see u ran a red light. just deal with it an dont run red lights. an dont give me that blahblah blah it was too late to stop i can stop my 6000 pound expedition in snow at 35 at a light that goes from yellow to red.(tryed this sunday haha)

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I got nailed a the same one and have talked to many who have also and I am convenced that that light jumg the gun early or has a short yellow or something becouse everyone has the same story that is was green then as they got close yellow and befor they got through it went red all super fast. It seems to only be that certian light too
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watch teh video an bam youll see u ran a red light.


Yup. Everyone I know who's gotten a red light ticket has said the same thing. They were 100% sure they went through a yellow light. Then they go and watch the video and it was 100% red when they went through it.


Go look at the pictures/video before you start thinking about how to fight it.


I think the red light cam thing is BS, but I'm sure this has already gone to the Ohio Supreme Court so you probably don't have any legal ground to stand on if you actually ran the red light.

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After watching the video it was red but I dont care that I got the ticket. I'm more pissed about the fine. $95 for a cop to sit behind a desk look at a photo?!?! Shit give me that job please. They could at least hand deliver it to me.


Ill just find a new way to work so I don't have to deal with that BS anymore.

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After watching the video it was red but I dont care that I got the ticket.


:lol: Same reaction my wife got when she had hers at that same light. She denied it all the way then saw the video and turned red :o


The upside is no points.

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I got nailed a the same one and have talked to many who have also and I am convenced that that light jumg the gun early or has a short yellow or something becouse everyone has the same story that is was green then as they got close yellow and befor they got through it went red all super fast. It seems to only be that certian light too



i did a research paper on this last quarter of school, Lots of city's have been caught shortening the yellow to increase revenue....


Just google it.

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After watching the video it was red but I dont care that I got the ticket. I'm more pissed about the fine. $95 for a cop to sit behind a desk look at a photo?!?! Shit give me that job please. They could at least hand deliver it to me.


Ill just find a new way to work so I don't have to deal with that BS anymore.


Or u could just slow down when its yellow an not try to make it...


Seems dumb to change ur route to work to avoid redlight tickets. .... don't run em u won't get them.

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I searched my file cabinet and computer and cannot find that letter I wrote - it's been like two years. If you take some time and try to search out (this will be vague because it's been a while) something along the lines of "cannot endanger ones self or be compelled to endanger". It's something like that. You ran that light because the road conditions were poor and you were not going to put your safety at risk - braking at that point would have caused more harm. Get it? Got it? Gewd
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That same piece of shit camera got me a while back. I swore it was yellow and when I seen the pics I was already half way through the light when it went red. Its bullshit but what can ya do.


What I just stated above. Right a letter using Black's law, google, and some common sense and see what happens. You guys rally together and bitch so much. If you spent half that time researching and thinking you could save yourself a ride on the 'long dick of the law' more then a few times.

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