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Japan trip 2010


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Welp 09 is done and over so its time for me to figure out what im doing this year when I go back home to japan. Usually my girlfriend goes back with me but she is not coming back this year, I have room for an extra person ....... now I might be interested in having someone go back with me for 14-16 days to eat,sleep, the culture. None of my close friends are really interested in going to japan, nor has an intrest in cars. What im looking for is someone very interested in japan, someone who loves cars, maybe studying, and very open to trying different foods , sleeping on the floor for 2 weeks ,and meet new people. If you like to drink that would be a plus since japan loves beer, and we will do our share of partying at night. I need someone who is financially stable and can pay for their own tickets ect. I will provide the room and food. This could be a one in a lifetime type thing for someone who has always wanted to go and just did not have the means of doing it, hotels can range from 200-1k plus a night in Tokyo , and a single steak dinner can be 150 bucks and its almost impossible for someone just to fly over and take a vacation, you have to know someone. My plan is to stay at my familys home for 2 days, and then travel from North to South hitting the tracks, big citys, clubs, bars,gamble, and see the real country in japan for one week, then come back to my familys house for the rest of the time. If you might be interested pm me. This is just a feeler, it would be a plus if the person was good with computers and a camera to take pictures and log the whole trip!


I also have a hook up for plane tickets in chicago so if something works out we can start checking rate ect. Jun-Sep is when the trip will take place.

Must have a passport

Must not be a druggie

Must be clean/polite

Must be able to have fun

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Sounds like a good time man. I've been to Japan twice, each time for about 2 weeks at a pop. Once with my brother in law and our families...he's from Japan. The other with Panasonic.


Anyone out there looking for a great place to travel to and a wonderful culture, hop on this one.


Enjoy man!

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