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Oh, forgot about that little question... He spends too much money, and doesn't make any. If we're going to drive ourselves into insane super unprecedented debt, maybe we should drill the dogshit out of the gulf or somewhere and try to offset it a bit. Or, he could do his damn job and veto the BS legislation that is making its way through congress... Or, he could try not appointing a horrible supreme court justice that can do her job better than a white man.


How about legalize all drugs and have private companies manufacture them. Then tax the crap out of them. Drugs = money I don't care how you feel about them or how your ideas (religion) say otherwise. I don't condone drug use but we can make a shit ton of money in taxes. Remember this is the United States where we have freedom and Mixed Capitalism, or at least say we do :(

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How about legalize all drugs and have private companies manufacture them. Then tax the crap out of them. Drugs = money I don't care how you feel about them or how your ideas (religion) say otherwise. I don't condone drug use but we can make a shit ton of money in taxes. Remember this is the United States where we have freedom and Mixed Capitalism, or at least say we do :(





Whenever we need more $ it comes out of smokers pockets. Do the same for drugs.

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It doesn't matter who is in office, you fuckers are going to cry about it anyways.

+eleventy billion.


This is what I see every time I see one of these threads, regardless of who the target is. A bunch of people spreading hate, without providing a fucking reason. You call Obama supporters blind? I see blind hate in this thread.


I'm going to go ahead and say all Obama haters are blind. I'm in need of some good lols.

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I am all for something new. Unfortunately you can't change a country in a year. I am gonna hold off on my criticisim for a while and see if he actually gets anything done. I voted for Bush both times and regreted that in the end. I voted for Obama because he talked a good talk. I am gonna wait to see if he can get anything done. If not I wont vote for him again.
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+eleventy billion.


This is what I see every time I see one of these threads, regardless of who the target is. A bunch of people spreading hate, without providing a fucking reason. You call Obama supporters blind? I see blind hate in this thread.


I'm going to go ahead and say all Obama haters are blind. I'm in need of some good lols.



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How about legalize all drugs and have private companies manufacture them. Then tax the crap out of them.


I was going to save that until page 3, now I'll have to think of something else.


Yeah, us Obama haters are all blind. How could we possibly know what challenges Obama faces and what crisis are at hand? They don't have to answer to the public, so why not keep us in the dark?

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Legalizing all drugs is a great idea. I now hate Obama too because he hasnt legalized heroin yet. Man do I wish McCain was President, he would have legalized that shit for sure.


Republicans legalized it in 1898, and then those damn democrats started putting restrictions on its sale in 1914. DAMN YOU!!

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Got this in an email today. Don't know if its true but I found it interesting.



Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election:


* Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29

* Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000


Population of counties won by:

Obama: 127 million

McCain: 143 million


Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:

Obama: 13.2

McCain: 2.1


Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.


Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."


Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.


If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

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* Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29

* Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000


Population of counties won by:

Obama: 127 million

McCain: 143 million


cartogram map of election results:

results by county


results by county skewed based on population


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I'll keep this short and sweet: Bush may have sucked in many aspects as a president, but Obama is hands down the worst president I have ever seen.




I agree and along with many others, saw this shit coming. Could have saved us all Billions if we didn't elect him.........but NOOOOOO....we have to have free health care and handouts for everyone. :rolleyes: The only ones benefiting from Socialized health care are the insurance companies.

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I agree and along with many others, saw this shit coming. Could have saved us all Billions if we didn't elect him.........but NOOOOOO....we have to have free health care and handouts for everyone. :rolleyes:


For the amount of money I spend on health insurance premiums plus prescriptions for my family I should have free health insurance for life. It is fucking wonderful when you play $150 for premiums plus $650 FOR 1 Rx drug a month. I could buy so many better drugs a month then this bullshit.

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He was stupid for running for president. Anyone that would have won this thing was automatically demoted from President to Americas Janitor the second they hit office.





Whichever "side" won, there would be a LOT of shit that needed changed / fixed / corrected.


And, I will give the man 4 years before I decide if he has failed the Country (as a whole).





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Steve its an argument thats falling on deaf ears. They have the what if to fall on while Obama is having a hard time in real life. The only way for them to stop the argument is to remove Obama from office... but then at that point if the other person had issues it would still be Obamas fault for setting them up to fail.


Obama is currently trying to clean up part of the mess left by the president mentioned in the first post..who to his defense had to deal with issues when he came in, just not as many.... How can he fail more in a year more than a man that spent 8 helping us to get to this point? Obama is still an "in progress trending downward" in my eyes.. Bush was a "work in progress that failed to deliver in the end".


Hell yes Obama could end up like Bush, or worse. Only time can tell.

Edited by V8 Beast
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To be honest, when I look at the demographics of the people that voted for Obama (specifically age and race), it sickens me.


Black - 95% Obama 4% McCain

White - 55% McCain 43% Obama

Women - 55% Obama

Men - 49% Obama

18 - 29 - 66% Obama.

Previously Hillary voters - 84% Obama.


I believe when kids read history books 100 years from now and see that a near-nobody from Chicago beat out a previous POW war hero with 1000% more experience in a presidential election, they won't believe it.






I kid.




No really.



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