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Rush Limbaugh likes socialized medicine?


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Rush's view is socialized medicine is bad, The reasons he has stated time and time again he completely and utterly null and voided out. He apparently really enjoyed his taste of socialized medicine.


Thanks rush once again proving your utter ignorance.

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nothing he experienced is related to the shit that's going to come down when Obama passes his crappy health care plan. under Obama's plan, his care would have been limited and rationed.


Under Obama's plan he would have had non medical-non specialist government panelists determining best practices and in effect, dictating his care based on lowering costs as the main priority.


bottom line is this "grand plan" is going to cover everyone with shitty care. The quality of care is going to drop for everyone.


Rush may be happy for what happened, but once the Obama plan is in place, you'll clearly see that limiting care and rationing care will be the equivalent of taking giant steps back in time. Both the pateinds and providers are going to suffer.


Our family has three doctors and a PT in the family and all of them are in agreement that this will be devastating. Two of them will likely just end up having to fold their practices and in fact one is already teaching at OU and building roots there because it just plain won't be worth the lower income to stay in practice. Overhead is insane already.


Add in big cuts to medicare and medicaid payments to doctors and hospitals many of the smaller community hospitals that people rely on such as in Zainesville and Athens...they won't be able to stay open. Instead residents there will be welcomed to the new Obama Health Clinics aka Jiffy Lube Clinics. :rolleyes:


No thanks man. You can keep your Gov't / Socialized medicine. I'd much rather see some tort and insurance reform. Don't believe? Just wait until you or your wife get really sick and suffer the impact of cuts in payments for procedures and mechanical devices that would normally be allowed and get you on your way.


If you don't like the Gov't telling you what to do now, they you'll really be happy with them telling your doctor that you need to suffer for 6 weeks of their version of treatments as they turn pages in a Economics Book to better health care before you get what you need to make you right again.


I wouldn't want Obama in charge of putting together and managing a maintenance plan on my car let alone my kids. I'm very biased in my opinion and feel that Obama is going to go down as the biggest bullshit artist to have ever been put in office. Let's spend our way out of debt and let's go cheap on health care just so we can cover everyone with shitty care. How the fuck people believe either of those two things is a good thing is beyond me. :nono: The people that voted him in office will suffer at their own hands.

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I don't claim that Obamas plan is a great idea.


I like obama because he is not mccain.... There are things he has said and done I've not liked.



our health care system is so fucked up its not funny.

We pay the most per capita

and I've already been through the torment of what happens when insurance fucks you in the ass.

I used to have a small savings. Wife got sick. I had the best insurance timewarner offered too.


also his plan does not cover EVERYONE, The public option is removed atleast to my understanding.


a good part of the bill is based on hawaii ?

There system apparently is working awesome.


that a good portion of major illness could have been prevented but people could not afford to.

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our health care system is so fucked up its not funny.

We pay the most per capita


that a good portion of major illness could have been prevented but people could not afford to.


The health care system is fucked up and expensive This is largely due to administrative costs which account for 19-25% of healthcare costs, and upwards of 35% at for-profit hospitals.


It's pretty interesting to see how the insurance and drug companies are throwing money at Obama and all the elected officials to help insure they are the ones who wright the bill. It has very little to do with us the people and the doctors...fuck them too. It's about the insurance companies.


Lobbying Expenditures Q2 numbers from last year:


  • $6.2 million in lobbying by the dominant Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
  • $4 million by the American Medical Association.
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association upped its lobbying expenditures by a full million, to 2.8 million dollars in the second quarter;
  • GlaxoSmithKline's spending jumped from $1.8 million to $2.3 million;
  • Novartis grew from $1.4 million to $1.8 million;
  • Metlife Group reported $1.7 million, up nearly 50 percent.
  • Allstate, which spent less than $900,000 on lobbying through March, boosted its spending to more than $1.5 million from April to June.
  • Johnson & Johnson at $1.6 million and
  • America's Health Insurance Plans & Bayer Corp. both approaching $2 million in spending from April to June.
  • The AMA has spent a total of $8.2 million on lobbying through June of this year.

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The bill is so damn large its a bitch to read. I don't want to hear the Talking points or some half ass pundit (see rush)'s version. I don't like the bill because I want the public option to be there. Again call my a commie or anything else.

As pro-lifers feel that abortion takes a life, I feel high healthcare costs are taking thousands of lives.


I with all my being feel that health care is a right. Were supposed to be the greatest nation and all this stuff why don't we have the best obtainable healthcare?


I am for socialized healthcare, I guesses I've watched to many of my family members lives fall apart over dumb shit. Fuck I pay more a month on medical expenditures then most people pay for a car payment.



I must just bee a whiney bitch who wants my Obama Handouts......

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I think the Senators/Congressmen should have to partake in the same health care plan they are trying to pass legislation on then see how many of the democrats cry foul and start whining. Then we will see what they really think of the bill...
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I think the Senators/Congressmen should have to partake in the same health care plan they are trying to pass legislation on then see how many of the democrats cry foul and start whining. Then we will see what they really think of the bill...



I want there healthcare coverage. thats what I want.

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  • $6.2 million in lobbying by the dominant Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
  • $4 million by the American Medical Association.
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association upped its lobbying expenditures by a full million, to 2.8 million dollars in the second quarter;
  • GlaxoSmithKline's spending jumped from $1.8 million to $2.3 million;
  • Novartis grew from $1.4 million to $1.8 million;
  • Metlife Group reported $1.7 million, up nearly 50 percent.
  • Allstate, which spent less than $900,000 on lobbying through March, boosted its spending to more than $1.5 million from April to June.
  • Johnson & Johnson at $1.6 million and
  • America's Health Insurance Plans & Bayer Corp. both approaching $2 million in spending from April to June.
  • The AMA has spent a total of $8.2 million on lobbying through June of this year.


I have no evidence to back my claim up, but I suspect a majority of these expenditures were AGAINST the bill, not for it.

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Saying that we need to completely overhaul our medical situation is utter bullsh!t. We might need to change a tire or two, but replace the whole thing....???


Oh and don't get me going on how communist this nationalized health care thing is. Forcing insurance on me? Yeah... THAT'S IN THE CONSTITUTION!!

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Saying that we need to completely overhaul our medical situation is utter bullsh!t. We might need to change a tire or two, but replace the whole thing....???


Oh and don't get me going on how communist this nationalized health care thing is. Forcing insurance on me? Yeah... THAT'S IN THE CONSTITUTION!!


Were forcing you to insure your car too, jackass.

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I do not feel the current healthcare bill is anything more then a bunch of bullshit at this point. Though I prefer to see it pass just to cause a huge ruckus then to sit here status quo.



I did not mention the Constitution.


You know as much about healthcare as you do about the foundation of the USA. and that part of that foundation includes LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS,


I'm going to break it down to you.

Life : Being alive, REQUIRES YOU TO BE HEALTHY! right there the first part. Life

Liberty : Being enslaved to a debtor because your sick is not being free

Happiness : Show me one person who is currently being screwed by our current health system thats happy with it.




September 17, 1787


Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776


Our country was founded on those principles. those principles were so important to our founding fathers they included in the documents outlines why america was being created.


They felt it was a right.

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The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not a socialized healthcare system.


look it up if you don't believe me.


We also have far Superior quality in terms of health care too. There's a reason why the extremely rich and affluent from all around the world come to the US for procedures. That will change with socialized health care. Bottom line is you get what you pay for. I wouldn't want anyone forcing me to buy my dress clothes from Wal-Mart and I sure as hell don't want my health care plan to be at that same level. The gov't will NOT be able to regulate and manage the countries health care system. Period. They can't fucking build a road that lasts more than two years....but hey, I can't wait until they apply those same principles to health care.



I did not mention the Constitution.


You know as much about healthcare as you do about the foundation of the USA. and that part of that foundation includes LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS,


I'm going to break it down to you.

Life : Being alive, REQUIRES YOU TO BE HEALTHY! right there the first part. Life

Liberty : Being enslaved to a debtor because your sick is not being free

Happiness : Show me one person who is currently being screwed by our current health system thats happy with it.


I see the Constitution being interpreted in a number of ways lately, ironically, being skewed to support Obama's socialized health care plan. Wrong....it's not meant to be like that at all.


Life: The Declaration of Independence has left the definition of "life" open to interpretation. It doesn't reference the "quality" of life. It basically says we have a right to live and be alive. Thus one could argue abortion, executions, etc...violate our "right" to "life". Again, I don't see it as the founders meaning our "quality" of life is a right for everyone. Quality is what YOU and I put into life. You get out what you put in. There are no guarantees that say you automatically get great output.


Liberty to me means we are all free to think and do as we please. Again, it has nothing to do with being sick. Free thinking doesn't mean free health care.


The Pursuit of Happiness.....best defined IMO by the movie. You are what you think. Period. Life ain't easy folks, and happiness isn't guaranteed. You have to pursue it.


You are what you think. Now if people would just realize you are Are What you Eat too, then perhaps there wouldn't be so many fat, unhealthy people in this country spending so much on health care.

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1) When you can ive me an example of a government run program that isn't bloated, growing faster than inflation, and is efficient, then talk to me about running healthcare (the house bill has a government "single payer" option - senate does not - stand by for the reconciled bill)


2) Healthcare is not a right. You can use some tortured logic on the Constitution to try and say it is, but it's not. Religious freedon is a right and if one does not believe in abortion on religious grounds, forcing them to pay for same IS a violation of Constitutional rights


3) Most Unions are for this bill as their "cadillac" health care plans are specifically exempt from the bill in most cases.


4) The passage of this bill is relying on huge bribes/pork/graft to specific states to "buy" their representatives votes. This process and the "special exemptions" being granted to those states/groups will need to be investigated and challenged in court. This is one of the reasons there is such a rush to get this passed and implemented. They know that once it's in place, it will be near impossible to undo.


I have no problem with reforming healthcare. I think there should be many revisions:

1) Portability

2) More competition and published prices

3) More protection against cancelled policies

4) A "safety net" for catustrophic coverage for those than can't get insurance


That said, a complete government takeover - and all the pork that has come with it is inexscusable. The argument that any plan is better than no plan is ludicrous. There are voices in congress trying to do these things (in the minority) but they don't benefit the right constituants, so they are not being heard. Demand better of your government!

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also his plan does not cover EVERYONE, The public option is removed atleast to my understanding.


Nope, the plan doesn't cover anyone actually. It just fines you for not insuring yourself. Now THAT screams freedom!


The bill is so damn large its a bitch to read.


Its so big that the party in charge REFUSED to allow it to be read in front of the Senate, because it would have taken something like 3 days. You think the people voting on it actually read more than a couple pages?


I want there healthcare coverage. thats what I want.


LOL, don't need insurance when you're a millionaire like a large portion of the Senators. The best coverage comes in green.


Were forcing you to insure your car too, jackass.


Nope, only the banks holding car loans force you to insure your, err, their car. The state requires you to insure yourself against damage to other people and other people's property, but not to any damage done to yourself or your property. That way someone theoretically won't get screwed by someone else's negligence, which is completely fair.

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Nope, only the banks holding car loans force you to insure your, err, their car. The state requires you to insure yourself against damage to other people and other people's property, but not to any damage done to yourself or your property. That way someone theoretically won't get screwed by someone else's negligence, which is completely fair.


I think people should be forced to get health insurance in case I get screwed and get a STD (or, any other possible injury.) That way, since I got it from them, they should cover it for being negligent. :p

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We also have far Superior quality in terms of health care too. There's a reason why the extremely rich and affluent from all around the world come to the US for procedures. That will change with socialized health care. Bottom line is you get what you pay for. I wouldn't want anyone forcing me to buy my dress clothes from Wal-Mart and I sure as hell don't want my health care plan to be at that same level. The gov't will NOT be able to regulate and manage the countries health care system. Period. They can't fucking build a road that lasts more than two years....but hey, I can't wait until they apply those same principles to health care.





I see the Constitution being interpreted in a number of ways lately, ironically, being skewed to support Obama's socialized health care plan. Wrong....it's not meant to be like that at all.


Life: The Declaration of Independence has left the definition of "life" open to interpretation. It doesn't reference the "quality" of life. It basically says we have a right to live and be alive. Thus one could argue abortion, executions, etc...violate our "right" to "life". Again, I don't see it as the founders meaning our "quality" of life is a right for everyone. Quality is what YOU and I put into life. You get out what you put in. There are no guarantees that say you automatically get great output.


Liberty to me means we are all free to think and do as we please. Again, it has nothing to do with being sick. Free thinking doesn't mean free health care.


The Pursuit of Happiness.....best defined IMO by the movie. You are what you think. Period. Life ain't easy folks, and happiness isn't guaranteed. You have to pursue it.


You are what you think. Now if people would just realize you are Are What you Eat too, then perhaps there wouldn't be so many fat, unhealthy people in this country spending so much on health care.


Prove we have the best care in the world, You can't because we don't.




Why are people so affraid of people not being sick, Don't give me they can't build a road shit. There are other states that have wonderful roads.

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1) When you can ive me an example of a government run program that isn't bloated, growing faster than inflation, and is efficient, then talk to me about running healthcare (the house bill has a government "single payer" option - senate does not - stand by for the reconciled bill)


2) Healthcare is not a right. You can use some tortured logic on the Constitution to try and say it is, but it's not. Religious freedon is a right and if one does not believe in abortion on religious grounds, forcing them to pay for same IS a violation of Constitutional rights

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER PERSON NOT FUCKING knowing what there talking about. It really is hard to take statement serious when they make such a grouse incompetence in understanding the formation of the USA.


and your joking me right. Abortion THATS BAD!@#!@#!@#!@#

Helping the sick thats bad?


What would Jesus do? He would verify that said leper had proper coverage and then if he felt they deserved it he would heal them at a resonable rate,



3) Most Unions are for this bill as their "cadillac" health care plans are specifically exempt from the bill in most cases.

---- go back and read it more.


4) The passage of this bill is relying on huge bribes/pork/graft to specific states to "buy" their representatives votes. This process and the "special exemptions" being granted to those states/groups will need to be investigated and challenged in court. This is one of the reasons there is such a rush to get this passed and implemented. They know that once it's in place, it will be near impossible to undo.


--- Good I don't want to undone I want us to get real obtainable healthcare.




I have no problem with reforming healthcare. I think there should be many revisions:

1) Portability

2) More competition and published prices

3) More protection against cancelled policies

4) A "safety net" for catustrophic coverage for those than can't get insurance






That said, a complete government takeover - and all the pork that has come with it is inexscusable. The argument that any plan is better than no plan is ludicrous. There are voices in congress trying to do these things (in the minority) but they don't benefit the right constituants, so they are not being heard. Demand better of your government!


I am demanding better from my government, I'm demanding they get in step with the other major countries and stop letting people in there own lands die from strep throat and other easily treatable illnesses.



You realize that this bill has been said to reduce spending by a bipartison committee?

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We also have far Superior quality in terms of health care too. There's a reason why the extremely rich and affluent from all around the world come to the US for procedures. That will change with socialized health care. Bottom line is you get what you pay for. I wouldn't want anyone forcing me to buy my dress clothes from Wal-Mart and I sure as hell don't want my health care plan to be at that same level. The gov't will NOT be able to regulate and manage the countries health care system. Period. They can't fucking build a road that lasts more than two years....but hey, I can't wait until they apply those same principles to health care.





I see the Constitution being interpreted in a number of ways lately, ironically, being skewed to support Obama's socialized health care plan. Wrong....it's not meant to be like that at all.


Life: The Declaration of Independence has left the definition of "life" open to interpretation. It doesn't reference the "quality" of life. It basically says we have a right to live and be alive. Thus one could argue abortion, executions, etc...violate our "right" to "life". Again, I don't see it as the founders meaning our "quality" of life is a right for everyone. Quality is what YOU and I put into life. You get out what you put in. There are no guarantees that say you automatically get great output.


Liberty to me means we are all free to think and do as we please. Again, it has nothing to do with being sick. Free thinking doesn't mean free health care.


The Pursuit of Happiness.....best defined IMO by the movie. You are what you think. Period. Life ain't easy folks, and happiness isn't guaranteed. You have to pursue it.


You are what you think. Now if people would just realize you are Are What you Eat too, then perhaps there wouldn't be so many fat, unhealthy people in this country spending so much on health care.




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Im listening to him streaming live on AM radio, back from all of this for the first time. Hes been going off for about an hour about all this. He paid cash, used no insurance, and claims he received great service. The system is fine the way it is.


Thats all his claim meant.

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Originally Posted by craig71188 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif

1) When you can give me an example of a government run program that isn't bloated, growing faster than inflation, and is efficient, then talk to me about running healthcare (the house bill has a government "single payer" option - senate does not - stand by for the reconciled bill)


I noticed you had no response for my number one concern - and it is number one for a reason!


2) Healthcare is not a right. You can use some tortured logic on the Constitution to try and say it is, but it's not. Religious freedon is a right and if one does not believe in abortion on religious grounds, forcing them to pay for same IS a violation of Constitutional rights

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER PERSON NOT FUCKING knowing what there (I think you mean they're, a contraction of "they are") talking about. It really is hard to take statement serious when they make such a grouse (a "grouse" is a bird - perhaps you were looking for the term "gross") incompetence in understanding the formation of the USA.


If your command of the english language is indicative of your command of the facts of our country's founding, therein lies the problem. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and for that matter, the Federalist Papers are documents containing words that have meanings.



and your (again, I think it's "you're") joking me right. Abortion THATS BAD!@#!@#!@#!@#

Helping the sick thats bad?


What would Jesus do? He would verify that said leper had proper coverage and then if he felt they deserved it he would heal them at a resonable rate,


Comparing Jesus to the government is a flawed analogy. Although those with a liberal bias tend to see "The Government" as a deity, it is not a god or godlike in any way. No point in trying to argue a flawed premise...



3) Most Unions are for this bill as their "cadillac" health care plans are specifically exempt from the bill in most cases.

---- go back and read it more.

No need, it is true. They have exempted programs covering individuals in what they refer to as "hazardous" positions, but they all just happen to be largely unionized jobs. You connect the dots.


4) The passage of this bill is relying on huge bribes/pork/graft to specific states to "buy" their representatives votes. This process and the "special exemptions" being granted to those states/groups will need to be investigated and challenged in court. This is one of the reasons there is such a rush to get this passed and implemented. They know that once it's in place, it will be near impossible to undo.


--- Good I don't want to undone I want us to get real obtainable healthcare.

Right...if it got us here, doing more of it will help????




I have no problem with reforming healthcare. I think there should be many revisions:

1) Portability

2) More competition and published prices

3) More protection against cancelled policies

4) A "safety net" for catustrophic coverage for those than can't get insurance






That said, a complete government takeover - and all the pork that has come with it is inexscusable. The argument that any plan is better than no plan is ludicrous. There are voices in congress trying to do these things (in the minority) but they don't benefit the right constituants, so they are not being heard. Demand better of your government!


I am demanding better from my government, I'm demanding they get in step with the other major countries and stop letting people in there own lands die from strep throat and other easily treatable illnesses.


Keep in mind, people come here from most all those other major countries when they want the best care, period.



You realize that this bill has been said to reduce spending by a bipartison committee?


OK, let's think about this, how will it cover MORE people for LESS money unless something gets cut out (or rationed?). How is that "the best" health care?

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