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Gilbert Arenas...


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I agree with most of what your saying but it should be clarified Arenas didnt technically "pull a gun" on anyone. He took out 4 unloaded handguns and put them in a teamates stall telling him to "pick one". Arenas is kind of a gun nut which im ok with but you have to be a hell of alot smarter than that especially considering your at work and you in the District of Columbia which has the strictest gun laws. Im assuming his teamate was interested in buying a gun and Arenas was showing him different models maybe?



where the hell did you hear this story? He pulled a unloaded hand gun on a teammate as "a joke" over a poker debt that was owed. Thats the story that ESPN and every news network I have seen has been reporting since day 1

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where the hell did you hear this story? He pulled a unloaded hand gun on a teammate as "a joke" over a poker debt that was owed. Thats the story that ESPN and every news network I have seen has been reporting since day 1


That is the latest story being reported on ESPN. I heard it yesterday too.

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where the hell did you hear this story? He pulled a unloaded hand gun on a teammate as "a joke" over a poker debt that was owed. Thats the story that ESPN and every news network I have seen has been reporting since day 1


When the first story broke it said he laid out 4 handguns in a teamates cubicle and left a note telling him to "pick one", maybe that was wrong and the real story came out now but thats what i heard/read on espn. I havent read anything on si or espn.com since so maybe thats the true story?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks like he is suspended the rest of the season. Serves him right.


Ouch... "Including the 12 games he has already missed, Arenas will be suspended for a total of 50 games, costing him nearly $7.4 million in lost salary."

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