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Us conspiracy therory Revealed

John Bruh

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Its good that more and more people are waking up to what the "global elite" is trying to do here... The United States is the last free country that the globalists will try to destroy before setting up a world government.


This argument can go on and on... Hal can sit here and discredit everything from infowars.com to actual quotes made by people like Rockefeller, but his rebuttals lack any information other than "you're wrong". These are no longer conspiracies but published fact.


The world bankers and elitests have publicly laid out their agenda and that is all the information I need. Every year they meet in secret (The Bilderburg Group) to decide anything from who goes to war, to who is elected. Everyone needs to accept that our government is full of corrupt criminals and we have little time to take it back.

Lol, I can spew misinformation just like you. If you provide any actual proof (not youtube videos, wikipedia info, or other unprofessional or biased groups) I will gladly discredit it using real facts. Up until this point, I have used as much real information as you two.

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I just pooped = fact

the government is behind 9/11= speculation


see what I did there?


I didnt see you poop. This means if I believe you without any real proof I'm speculating that you are telling the truth about pooping. I know for a fact 9/11 happened. So 9/11 is a fact... you just pooping is a possible fact open to speculation..

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I didnt see you poop. This means if I believe you without any real proof I'm speculating that you are telling the truth about pooping. I know for a fact 9/11 happened. So 9/11 is a fact... you just pooping is a possible fact open to speculation..





But you have to consider that everything said on the internet is fact.

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I didnt see you poop. This means if I believe you without any real proof I'm speculating that you are telling the truth about pooping. I know for a fact 9/11 happened. So 9/11 is a fact... you just pooping is a possible fact open to speculation..


But did you see 9/11 happen? Maybe Carmen Sandiego stole the twin towers, and in an attempt to save face the us government staged an elaborate computer animated movie to make it look like terrorists were at fault so that the world would go, "Hahahahaha stupid Americans! She couldn't steal the Eiffel tower, but she fucked you!".



Yeah...totally what happened.

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But did you see 9/11 happen? Maybe Carmen Sandiego stole the twin towers, and in an attempt to save face the us government staged an elaborate computer animated movie to make it look like terrorists were at fault so that the world would go, "Hahahahaha stupid Americans! She couldn't steal the Eiffel tower, but she fucked you!".



Yeah...totally what happened.


How did you ever get so funny?

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I know I pooped, cause there was a brown smelly ragdoll on the bowl. I also know it was poop, cause it tasted like poop. do not test me on my poop. I know poop when I see it.


Its a conspiracy. Humans stopped pooping ages ago. Its a known fact that there are tiny government agents that live in toilets.

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Lol, I can spew misinformation just like you. If you provide any actual proof (not youtube videos, wikipedia info, or other unprofessional or biased groups) I will gladly discredit it using real facts. Up until this point, I have used as much real information as you two.


The problem is that if u ever do try to provide facts they would also be from the Internet and be speculation. So if this is his opinion who ar u to tell him he is wrong and not try to show him why? You are a bad debater Hal.



I for one don't belive anything I hear and half of what I read. I am a free thinker.... Right or wrong these people have to spike an intrest in what is going on in today's government. Be warned just pay attention. Exept u Hal u can go on and belive what u want, well until that is taken from u too.

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The problem is that if u ever do try to provide facts they would also be from the Internet and be speculation. So if this is his opinion who ar u to tell him he is wrong and not try to show him why? You are a bad debater Hal.



I for one don't belive anything I hear and half of what I read. I am a free thinker.... Right or wrong these people have to spike an intrest in what is going on in today's government. Be warned just pay attention. Exept u Hal u can go on and belive what u want, well until that is taken from u too.


Wrong. There is no reason I would need to use internet sources in any debate/research. You really wouldn't choose to debate with me if you actually saw me debate. There isn't much point in getting into a debate with conspiracy theorists, the super religious, or liberals. I've learned that it doesn't matter what fact is presented, they won't believe it because it doesn't suit them. Unfortunate, but true in my experiences. I would also point out, their presentations are not opinion. They present a lot of information as fact.


They aren't sparking an interest in the workings of the government, because they are nuts. Actual researchers, published in respected journals, spark interests.

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The problem is that if u ever do try to provide facts they would also be from the Internet and be speculation. So if this is his opinion who ar u to tell him he is wrong and not try to show him why? You are a bad debater Hal.



I for one don't belive anything I hear and half of what I read. I am a free thinker.... Right or wrong these people have to spike an intrest in what is going on in today's government. Be warned just pay attention. Exept u Hal u can go on and belive what u want, well until that is taken from u too.



But see, the problem with "truthers" is that they use the same information everyone else has, form an opinion on it, then try to pass this opinion off as a "fact" and "the real truth" and tell people to "open their eyes".


Tjust my $.02

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It's all about money in this world the power families are going to run the world how the see it...rockefellers, walmart's just to name two of them.

? The Walton family?


Someone found Carmen Sandiego!




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