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Need To Focus My HD Projection TV?


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I'm really noticing it now that I have my PS3, but I'm noticing that it's just not as sharp as it used to be. Plus I can see a "blue halo" or "double" on the outside of some images. I've used the "Magic Focus" option that comes with this 6 year old Hitachi, but it doesn't make much of a difference. I'm thinking I might have to have it professionally done? Thoughts? :confused:
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CRT projection ? Sounds like you need to do a static and 60 or 120 pt convergence which can usually only be done in the service menu, with about an hour of free time. Perfect time to do a DVD calibration while you're in there too, and knock it all out. So get a sixxer and make an afternoon of it. Also you could do the optical focusing on each pot(requires opening all the "do not open" panels), but may not be necessary after a decent convergence/calib.


If this isn't CRT and your getting those image distortions Im not sure what to say.

Edited by sol740
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Yup, what Rob said. The service menu can sometimes be entered just by using the remote control, so search google for "service menu hitachi xxxxx", where the xxxxx part is your television's model number. You can also buy a large transparency sheet that has a convergence grid printed directly on it to help line stuff up so you don't accidentally squish the top while stretching the bottom, for example.
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If you can't do it yourself, don't hire a professional - it will cost you more than the TV is worth. I'd try the service menu trick...I need to do the same for my 57" HD CRT in the basement, as it's not as crisp as it once was, but since it is never watched I haven't bothered.
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