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new to cr with a slow car

Beat Bullitt

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This dude gave up fast. Me, Paul and Ben are taking on any challengers who think they can get a noob to quit cr in less than 3 posts.


well thats easy enough, just have paul post up in there thread and they will never want to come back because trying to read pauls post gave them a huge headach just from trying to figure out what he just said lol.

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well thats easy enough, just have paul post up in there thread and they will never want to come back because trying to read pauls post gave them a huge headach just from trying to figure out what he just said lol.


Word to the wise.... When making fun of someone's spelling and grammar inadequacies, you shouldn't misspell words, use run-on sentences, nor forget what the shift key is for. I'm just saying.

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