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Shes not suicidal. It sounds to me like she was just nervous and maybe a little depressed. With the whole nails thing, it probably is just her trying to start conversation. Ive noticed alot of people will just try to talk about things they know to try to keep from sounding retarded.
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wow, seriously great story. i'm now suicidal after reading your worthless drivel.


where were the 'red flags' you so keenly picked up on again?? she was probably hoping that continuously bringing up her nails would prompt you to take her home and end the date.

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wow, seriously great story. i'm now suicidal after reading your worthless drivel.


where were the 'red flags' you so keenly picked up on again?? she was probably hoping that continuously bringing up her nails would prompt you to take her home and end the date.


That or she was so nervous that she just kept rambling about it

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no shit she gave you the best sign right off the bat. I was in bed NAKED!!!


+1 you missed out big time----and then you're so popular you called another girl, let's call her jill (take your right hand and put it in front of your face, palm facing outward to find out who 'jill' is)

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She is 19


Explanation served.


Hot, totally self-absorbed 19 y/o who likes to drink and go clubbing... This bitch could care less how cultured you are she just want's to get drunk and fuck... god bless her for living the dream.


If you dont bang this bitch before the month ends your doing something wrong.

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If you went on a date with a girl, and she sent up like 3 or 4 red flags that have been trained to you in suicide prevention calsses, what would you do? This is naturally after you already ended the date early and told her to GTFO of the car


Depends, Do you give a flying shit?

Is she just craving attention?



Give her a knife?



shit i dunno tough question

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