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Saw 3 new movies: Book of Eli, Up in the Air, and Brothers


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Book of Eli:


Obviously MEGA religious. I don't know what I expected with a title like that, but I didn't expect it to be so religious (probably an oversight on my part).


It was good though. Kind of like a western, about the end of the world type thing. All the characters were good. Good plot, good acting, and loved the way it was filmed (real dark/brown and white style).


The end was a bit........much, but overall it was a good movie.


Up in the Air:


Very different than I thought it would be. It was actually pretty good. More of a chick flick movie. Characters were all really good, acting was good etc.


Not exactly a feel good movie though(70% not, 30% feel good), and was a bit predictable.


Overall it was good though.




I was very excited to see this movie and I have to say I was 100% let down. All the reviews said that the acting was GREAT........I thought the acting was very shallow, superficial and not that well executed. His torment was ok, but really could have been better with another acter. Jake Gyllenhall was the best one, and natalie portman was freaking horrible. I can't stand her. She can be really hot, but sucks at acting in my opinion.


The whole story felt VERY contrived, and simple. Events had to happen this particular way for something to happen.........their daughter has to say something a bit too mature for a 6-8 year old to say with 0 reason for her to blurt this out to get someone to act up.


Prett disappointing.........



Thats it.

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I saw book of eli and liked it up until the end then it got retarded. I didnt get a overall religeous theme. They could have made the book any book and the movie could have went the same way.


The lovely bones was alright but could have done without the artsy stuff.



On dvd


Funny people was alright, I cant stand Adam Sandlers goofiness and attempt at voices.


The hangover was a decent timewaster.

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I saw book of eli and liked it up until the end then it got retarded. I didnt get a overall religeous theme. They could have made the book any book and the movie could have went the same way.


The lovely bones was alright but could have done without the artsy stuff.



On dvd


Funny people was alright, I cant stand Adam Sandlers goofiness and attempt at voices.


The hangover was a decent timewaster.


Besides the whole guided by god thing, yeah, it had no religious themes at all.......


Oh, and that the Bible will help rebuild the world........


And did you catch the ending? no spoilers, but how else can you explain him being able to do all of that in his condition? He was guided by god........



Just my opinion though.

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I saw Book of Eli. And the religious aspects were there. However, I think how they handled things was surprisingly neutral.


I totally agree. Book of Eli was honestly one of the best movies ive seen in a long time. I didnt thinkt he ending was far fetched, more surprising than anything. Kinda made you rethink the whole movie up until that point. I thought the cinematography was awesome aswell, not too 'artsy' not too dark, good music too.

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Besides the whole guided by god thing, yeah, it had no religious themes at all.......


Oh, and that the Bible will help rebuild the world........


And did you catch the ending? no spoilers, but how else can you explain him being able to do all of that in his condition? He was guided by god........



Just my opinion though.


He was guided by his faith. Faith in what you assume god because of the cross on the book he was carrying at first and only later confirmed by scripture. He could of had faith in a playboy and hugh was guiding him and the movie would have still been the same. So not overly religeous as stated. I have spoken with several people who were all surprised by anyone thinking the overall point of this movie was religeon. The ending and the movie was great until the the last 3-5 mins and then its clear they had no way to end it other than what they did. Remember he his condition was only 1/2 not both, so he could obviously deal with what he was using(trying for no spoilers). With a story like that, the bible is a good prop. He could have been carrying almost anything and they could have called it the "last of its kind' and had the same movie with almost no changes. The bible wasnt desired to help rebuild the world, it was wanted to control people.

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Perhaps a nap, possibly with a dictionary as a pillow, was in order. There may be something to that "Diffusion Theory" after all. :p

I admit I searched the internet for "diffusion theory" for a whitty comeback but I still cant figure out what the hell it means. Do they make diffusion for dummies?

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Summarized: "Diffusion is the resulting net transport of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration."


In my little metaphor, "The Dictionary" reprises it's role as the area of "High Concentration", whilst "Your Mind" plays the no less important role of the area of "Low Concentration". Concentration of what, you may ask? Why, knowledge, of course!


I admit I searched the internet for "whitty" for a witty comeback but I still cant figure out what the hell it means. Do they make whitty for dummies?

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everyone should see The Messenger. it was amazing.


Not only will Woody Harrelson probably win an Oscar (not even joking, he already won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor), but you get to see Jena Malone's sweet sweet ass nekkid.


Although it was a really slow movie, I found myself totally into the story the whole time. Harrelson's character is incredibly complex for a supporting role, and Ben Foster does an amazing job leading the movie.


Quick synopsis: Ben Foster (SSGT Will Montgomery) is an Iraqi/Enduring Freedom hero who's back in the states to finish out his term and gets assigned to casualty notification duty. Woody Harrelson plays his commanding officer.

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Summarized: "Diffusion is the resulting net transport of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration."


In my little metaphor, "The Dictionary" reprises it's role as the area of "High Concentration", whilst "Your Mind" plays the no less important role of the area of "Low Concentration". Concentration of what, you may ask? Why, knowledge, of course!


I admit I searched the internet for "whitty" for a witty comeback but I still cant figure out what the hell it means. Do they make whitty for dummies?

Brace yourself because I know this will be hard to understand, wnaplay does not know how to accurately spell every word correctly. I know it may be hard to hear but alas it is true. I try but some things elude me :(

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Oooof! Man, I'm glad you gave me the warning, I almost fell out of my chair, even though I was holding on like Data during a skirmish with the Borg. Shields are down, for sure.


Really brosephus, I don't have standards THAT lofty for anyone on here. However, it's not as if we were having trouble spelling something like "triglycerides", or "methylparaben", or anything complicated. Just regular stuff.


I will make you this deal, though; If you happen upon a post of mine in which I have "borked up" some relatively simple spelling or puncuation, fell free to point out at length to what extent that I surely must be a certifiable window-licker, and I will take my medicine.


(Cause I be fuckin shit up, too.)

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I will make you this deal, though; If you happen upon a post of mine in which I have "borked up" some relatively simple spelling or ==>puncuation (PUNCTUATION), ==>fell (FEEL) free to point out at length to what extent that I surely must be a certifiable window-licker, and I will take my medicine.


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Eli was good. I had no clue what it was about. Is that true in biblical world...the way the Bible was written?


Without getting into a religious debate. Kind of. The bible was writen by man who was inspired by the holy spirit, to write Gods words.


There are plenty of places in the bible that talk about the trinity (father, son, and holy ghost) using men and women to do things like what ELI did in the movie. If you would like me to in a PM i would be happy to point some of the stories out for you.


I saw it last night with my girlfriend and we both were like WOW. We both want to see it again to analyze it. It is crazy to see how a world would be without any religion. And see how God can use anyone for his will. The action in the movie was pretty intense.


(two thumbs up)

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