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Project House


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Time to get this house in gear. Today i had some time after work to remove all the carpet/Padding and remove the sliding closet doors. I found a bunch of spots were a dog decided to leave gigantic sized piss stains on the sub floor.


Just have to Patch some holes in the walls and little indentations and Prime the walls. Then the fun begins.










And all the carpet...


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sure thats dog piss? looks like a lot more than what an animal would piss and it would spread out after going through carpet


and when you have them do your carpet on the stairs, make sure they dont cut corners and actually tuck the carpet and staple/nail/whatever it under the lip of each step. otherwise, it looks cheap...once i get my downstairs done and have them come back out to do the lower level, im going to tell them to redo my steps correctly. id do it myself, but if i tuck that little bit, its going to cut the last 8" or so short,and i dont have carpet to put there


and that post in the middle of the front room looks like they couldn't have put it in a dumber place. lol. are you going to put like a shelf or something coming from either of the walls out to that post?

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we are going to run woos laminate in the dining room and kitchen and carpet in the family and formal living room.


Not sure about the post yet, i think moving is going to be retarded. Tile will go up to it from the front door, and then parallel with front door to the kitchen will be the laminate.


Carpet all upstairs.

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i would think with it being in such a dumb place, its probably there for a reason...i could be wrong, but make sure you check before you go at it with a BFH.


Yeah is structural support. I already know that. It is holding up the 2nd floor. The beam runs all the way across and the pole drops at the end of the wall upstairs. Im not worried about it. I will just wrap it with a pillar and be done with it.

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Front and garage doors in and took out the closet drywall. tomorrow the framing and then finishing up the doors





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Looking like its coming along. Did you find some contractors you were happy with?


NJW seems to know what he is doing. He is just out 10 days right now for estimates. Ill prob do a lot of the work myself and have someone do the rest. The real advantage i have is that it is sort of a blank slate. Like for instance the kitchen we are putting in the island and want can light throughout. Well if the house was gutted of carpet and had furniture they would have to cut in to the ceiling and re texture the whole room.


We can just go upstairs and pull up the subfloor and save a lot of money.


Plus i got some travertine for 5 bucks a square foot. time to do the bathrooms and laundry possibly.

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Sounds good. It appears as though you are able to do the majority yourself without any issue. Why not just do the entire thing yourself? Having owned a remodelling company for many years and dealing with hundreds of others, I can easily tell you the position you are in is about as easy as it gets. I did a house last month where the previous owners had destroyed almost every wall in the house including removing studs in some of them. Since I was able to come into a similar situation as yours, the customer saved many thousands of dollars. Its a good learning experience especially if its your first home and you have the time. If you can help it, I would suggest not paying the mark-up of a contractor.
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Are you just adding a few cans above the island? I assume theres already a fixture within proximity of where the new lights are being installed. They may get away with connecting them within the holes being cut for the cans. Possibly no reason to tear into the ceiling or floor above. If they do get into the floor above and end up replacing some subfloor make sure they use both glue and screws when laying it back down. Also screw into the pieces around the new wood as well(its very easy to loosen adjacent boards when prying on another piece, its usually not found until the new floor covering is down). Nows also a good time to walk each room and check for loose boards and squeeks in all the subfloors.
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thanks for the advice. We were looking at maybe adding 9 can lights in the kitchen. There are currently 3 lights in there now. one can be turned into a can light and the other is over where the island would be. I plan to do most of the work myself, it was convincing the girlfriend i have the know how to do it.


I never thought about it loosening up the boards next to the one im prying on i will keep that in mind.I planned on putting screws back into the floor to stop it from squeaking. Yet when i pulled the carpet and padding it was hard to tell anything since everything echoed. I will probably just do the majority of them.


My only downfall is electricity. I know a little but not a lot.

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There are plenty of guys out there who know electricity. Theres even guys on here who will lend a hand. Figure it like this, most remodelers use subs, so you are paying into 3rds. subs/materials/company. Even if they dont use subs you are paying 50/50(material/labor). All of the work you are going to do is relatively easy. Electric I understand, I dont do much of it myself. So cut out the middleman and hire your own subs for things you dont feel comfortable doing. The more money you save in labor the better materials you can buy and/ have money in pocket. Let me know if you need any help with anything.
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looks like a fun project man. i'm liking location of the island in the first spot you had it. keeps it closer to the rest of the counter tops if you are preparing food and need more space, its not on the opposite side of the kitchen.
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Thanks for all the kind words. Its nice only working a few days a week and still being able to pay the bills. Plus all my time off is going into the house, unfortunately so is my money ha.


I patched the holes with drywall the proper way to the studs. I primed the master bedroom and i did the ugly colored rooms. Yet however the primer isnt taking to the semi gloss paint very well. i did two coats and it still bleeds through. Im going to do one more coat and see if it does anything otherwise im going to have to put up a textured wallpaper thing to repaint over.


Gas was turned on the other day and found a leak before the meter. Got that fixed and repaired the plumbing, so that gets turned on tomorrow.


Its been busy but im making progress.

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Alright got all the rooms primed and ready for paint. Patched up all the holes left from the plumbers. They found 12 leaks i nthe house and had to cut into the ceiling and a few walls. Of course some of the holes they cut didnt have a leak behind it.


Only problem i have right now is where the french door is going. There is a cold air return in the way. Anyone know a way to move the cold are return somewhere else?

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