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Guest Hal

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Poor little guy got his feelings hurt because he's too irresponsible to handle his life without us paying for it. This guy is the epitome of failure.


Uh oh, he can't wine to the mods and get me banned from my own thread for being too mean to him...

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Just did a quick read on the other thread and must agree with Hal somewhat. The system isn't in place to help people who can't seem to work and go to school at the same time. I went to school and worked the whole time I was there. It sucked and I had 0 free time, but guess what that is life. They also make this stuff called birth control and if you don't want kids, then fucking use it.
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Obviously you were shedding e-tears, hence requesting I be removed from your thread. I know it must be hard to admit how useless you are, and how you can't even provide for your child. I would probably hang myself if I knew that I wasn't even man enough to do what needs done for my kid.

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Obviously you were shedding e-tears, hence requesting I be removed from your thread. I know it must be hard to admit how useless you are, and how you can't even provide for your child. I would probably hang myself if I knew that I wasn't even man enough to do what needs done for my kid.


This will be the last response, because honestly none is needed but I'll entertain you once more.


There is no question of me providing for my kid, so you've got your facts wrong there, and there were no tears shed, you were simply dragging my thread down with your USELESS posts, so I requested you be removed, simple as that. If you can't understand that, that's fine, nothing I can do about it.


It is a wonderful thought that you would KILL YOURSELF, (aka take the easy way out), if you couldn't provide for your kid, yet you would be making the situation WORSE by leaving a parentless child in this world. WOW, you really DON'T think before you type, do you?

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Guy has a daughter that goes to daycare under Title 20, and has insurance through the .gov. Admits he quit his job to go back to school (ie. can't pay for anything for the kid) even though the mom only makes $12 per hour. Claims we're not paying for his kid to go to daycare, even though that is untrue. Whines to Brian that I was mean to him.

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i agree 100% with you hal

he needs to man up! stop buying a bunch of shit cars and bullshit go get a job and work part time like a responsible person should do so we dont have to pay for his kid.


its people like him that are bringing the country down.

they abuse the system

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This will be the last response, because honestly none is needed but I'll entertain you once more.


There is no question of me providing for my kid, so you've got your facts wrong there, and there were no tears shed, you were simply dragging my thread down with your USELESS posts, so I requested you be removed, simple as that. If you can't understand that, that's fine, nothing I can do about it.


It is a wonderful thought that you would KILL YOURSELF, (aka take the easy way out), if you couldn't provide for your kid, yet you would be making the situation WORSE by leaving a parentless child in this world. WOW, you really DON'T think before you type, do you?


Obviously it is needed, you have to defend yourself.


There is a question of you providing for your kid. Everyone else in this thread is providing for your kid, you're not. I understand that you cried to the mods because you can't admit you're a failure of a father, and you deserve no respect for your idiotic choices.


I'm sure the kid would be better off being adopted by parents who can provide for it. I have a feeling I think more about the next word I'm going to type, than you do about the repercussions of your choices. I hope you enjoy knowing that often times Titles 20 kids are poorly behaved and the teachers stop caring. Face the truth, I get it straight from the horse's mouth.


Be a father - a real one. That's the bottom line.

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I'm sure the kid would be better off being adopted by parents who can provide for it.


I wish more people would understand this. There was countless girls in high school that told me they were going to have a kid at 18 or earlier with the excuse "well my parents did it and it all worked out in the end so I will be just fine". I even had an ex that wanted kids, marriage, etc as soon as she graduated high school. It was "her dream" as she told me. I told her MAYBE if we are still dating after college... she wasn't for that. Girls never learn.

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This is the issue today. You have people who feel entitled to this kind of gov't help and then get mad when people call them out on the fact that they should be able to provide for their kids themselves. What the hell did he expect posting that question on CR anyway? A pity party? Go get a job and quit being a pussy.
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While in essence I am in agreement with Hal. His going to school now, may keep him and his kids off of welfare/assistance later/in the long run.


I would never allow myself or my family to take public assistance unless an emergency situation came about, but everyone's different. At least he is trying to better his situation to get off of *whatever* as opposed to simply trying to milk a broken system for life.


shit, if i depended on the government to help me support my family---i certainly wouldn't be galavanting around an internet forum dedicated to car enthusiasts. i'd be out WORKING to provide for my family. just a brief thought



Good point.

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HAL for president!!!!!!


Paul, who the hell are you? you look like Michael J fox in teen wolf you dirty ass. i am experienced Tapout fighter and just recently achieved 10th degree belt in tapout fighting, so I would shut your toothless mouth you fat hillbilly before I chop your shit in half.

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Paul, who the hell are you? you look like Michael J fox in teen wolf you dirty ass. i am experienced Tapout fighter and just recently achieved 10th degree belt in tapout fighting, so I would shut your toothless mouth you fat hillbilly before I chop your shit in half.



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