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Good dog. That will do.


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It's nature for that cougar to eat that dog. I might shoot the cougar, or defend the dog somehow as an emotional decision. I wouldn't be happy with myself after that. I definitely don't think that's the authorities job to do it.


Bears that get's too used to people, maybe. Cougar looking for dinner, no. People need to grow a set, especially if they live in the country. Why is that dog more important than that cougar in the grand scheme of things. Because of someones feelings for the dog? Get over it.


If you don't want to deal with the possible danger of wild animals move to new york. Don't live in BEF northern canada where a cougar will try to eat you.


Are we, our feelings and our well being is more important than any other animal? Because we are humans that have feelings (no other animals do...) and more importantly we were 'smart' enough to invent guns. :rolleyes:


I was talking with a guy recently that used to live in a similar area. Bears would come fuck with stuff around his house and he would chase them off by kicking them. Live in the country and deal with country animals.

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Good for that dog, but the cougar didn't deserve to be shoot either.


I agree.


I volunteer you to be the one to go up and ask it nicely to take that dog's head out of it's mouth...






















...j/k. Shoot and stuff that motherfucker. :bangbang:

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I would only ever personally use a gun on another human in defense (as far as shooting at a living thing, I much prefer to target shoot). I don't see anything wrong with hunting if you know what the fuck you are doing (kill the animal, don't wound it) and you eat it. I just couldn't do it, unless I needed to in order to survive (i.e. the world ends). People who hunt purely for sport, to hang a head on their wall are fucking cowards.


I carry a knife on me when I'm in the woods. If I get eaten by a bear, that's nature.


EDIT: Where's Eric when you need him to make you look not quite so crazy since he's actually out of his mind and would post something completely ridiculous about this? :D

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"Here lies Jesse Trouble maker"

"He got his dumbass kicked by Nature."


I'd be much more proud of that head stone than "Here Lies Austin who died of old age because he sat in a house all day"


And I doubt that would happen to me either. ;) Proof? I've watched every Man Versus Nature.

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And here's the way I feel about it:


-Humans are animals, whether they want to admit it or not.

-Animals have to fall somewhere in the food chain.

-Mother Nature decided not to give us 4" claws, 2" talons, or a razor sharp-never ending supply of teeth. What she did give us was a rather advanced brain (for some of us anyways...).

-That brain has allowed us to shimmy our way to the top of the food chain, through technology. We're smart enough to invent things like, knives and guns and such.

-This ability to invent things puts us smack dab at the top of the food chain.


I'm sorry Mr. Cougar. I know you got a sweetass set of claws and teeth, not to mention raw power, but my gun is going to kick your ass every single time.


Humans > all.

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Why is the dog more important than the cougar? Answer that without some b/s emotional answer and I will admit you are right.




Boy = family

Dog = family


Do you suppose the cougar would mind if you waltzed into it's den and started disrespecting one of it's cubs? Sure s/he would. S/he's probably going to throw you a beating.


BTW, I'm not being emotional. If it were some stray dog that I didn't give a shit about, then by all means, let the cougar get himself a snack. My dog? Cougar's getting shot.


Also, I guess I should mention that I would only shoot said cougar while it's in the act of attacking the dog. If it's already got it's taste and released it, I would by no means go on a witch-hunt for the thing in order to seek revenge.

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my dog is part of my family and you better believe I will kill for my family... I live out in the country and if another animal decides to attack my dog, I'm getting out the gun. It it partially emotional, just like that dog standing in between the boy and the cat.


Maybe I'm a dick, but saying that cat didn't deserve to die is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard in a long time. If they didn't kill the cat, it would have tried to attack another human again... you still think that cat's life is more important than a little kid?

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Boy = family

Dog = family


Do you suppose the cougar would mind if you waltzed into it's den and started disrespecting one of it's cubs? Sure s/he would. S/he's probably going to throw you a beating.


BTW, I'm not being emotional. If it were some stray dog that I didn't give a shit about, then by all means, let the cougar get himself a snack. My dog? Cougar's getting shot.


Also, I guess I should mention that I would only shoot said cougar while it's in the act of attacking the dog. If it's already got it's taste and released it, I would by no means go on a witch-hunt for the thing in order to seek revenge.

BTW, I would go on a witch hunt.... but more because that thing has already tried to attack a human... it needs to die before it succeeds

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Why is the dog more important than the cougar? Answer that without some b/s emotional answer and I will admit you are right.


The dog could have taken off and saved his own skin. The dog chose instead to risk its life to save the kid. The dog could have stood and barked a warning to the parents, but instead it got between the cougar and the kid and kept him from harm at its own expense. Any animal willing to risk its life for me or my family is family. That animal is not a pet and will want for nothing the rest of its life.


The mere fact that the cougar tried to attack a human child means it needs to be put down. Sorry, I'm not going to wait for it to succeed before I put it down. If you let it finish off the dog and let it go, who's child is next on the menu? Maybe there will not be another dog to step in.

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