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Spring Break Panama City 10, Will you be there? Watercrest Condo March 16-27


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shanton did you ask how many rooms were available at the hotel when you booked it?


I called and booked the room, she didn't seem to stressed so I would assume there are a fair amount of rooms left over, one stipulation though we got ours at military rate so we got a great deal too

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i have no idea but Brandon "Jizzle" and RobC6 want to go to so if you guys can find one more guy itll be the same as us


sounds good to me. i don't think i've ever met brandon but the last time i saw rob he broke his arm skiing i think.

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This is nuts, I dont think we can party any harder than how we are about to.... there will be sooooo much shit. It will be intense, almost as intense as Gymkhanaing through our Alley in my jeep dodging obsticals like trash cans, buildings and poles lol.



Whats after Spring Break


End of Summer Party at the MGM Gran Las Vegas any one???..... hahahaha

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Why am I always the one with the worst after party "shame" pics lol?


I am going to New Orleans for Mardi Gra in two days and Ill be partying for a month and then coming home getting ready to go to spring break. Then you guys forget just shortly after The Bay opens up! Mardi Gra in The Bay is in May and PRK needs to revisit.

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It's like Jersey Shore in here.



Yea your snookie and Im the fist, Pow!!!!!!!




I'm about to go to the GYM right now and get my swoll on, However I will not be tanning due to the fact I am burnt already. I'm going to do my Laundry afterward.


I gotta go and get my tribal tats this week and my gold chains should be here off ebay in about a month from Egypt.


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